The Beauties of Holiness

by Dick Mills | The Spirit Filled Believer

“In the beauties of holiness…” (Ps. 110:3b NKJ).

Before we accepted the Lord and became believers, sin had left us deformed and lacking in any spiritual beauty. When we invited Jesus into our hearts and lives, He came in bringing a total transformation.

We are now arrayed in a robe of His righteousness and an adornment which this verse calls the beauties of holiness.

In the original Hebrew this word beauties is hadar (haw-dawr’); it is defined as “a glorious majesty, an ornament of splendor, magnificent decoration.”

In Isaiah 63:1 the root word from which hadar is derived is translated “glorious.” The Lord is said to be glorious in his apparel, or clothed with holy ornament.

If you are a Christian, you are wearing this apparel 24 hours a day. It goes with conversion and becomes the clothing of the redeemed.

In Hebrew holiness is godesh (ko’-desh) and is defined as “ceremonially pure or morally clean.” It is the word used to pronounce a person or object purified, consecrated, dedicated, and set apart for sacred purposes. Godesh is used of any person who devotes himself to the Lord.

Psalm 110:3 describes a group of volunteers who are free-will gifts in the military service of the Lord. Their distinctive feature is their holy adornment.

For God’s glory and to contrast His beauty with the ugliness of sin, these people are arrayed in beautiful holy garments. Each believer is dressed as one who performs a priestly function.

Did anyone ever tell you that you are beautiful? This verse says you are!

Source: The Spirit-Filled Believer’s Daily Devotional by Dick Mills
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers

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Dick Mills was ordained at The International Church of the Foursquare Gospel in 1949. He and his wife Betty traveled as evangelists all over the United States, Canada, Mexico, Latin America, Europe, and Australia. Dick and Betty are now home in heaven.

In 1966 Dick and Betty became a part of the then-emerging Charismatic Renewal. Passing through all denominational barriers, Dick has had the opportunity to speak in thousands of churches of varied backgrounds all over the world.

He ministered within several Christian organizations, including the Full Gospel Business Men, Women's Aglow, Inter-church Renewal Catholic Pentecostals, mainline Charismatic groups, CBN and TBN television networks, and many other independent Christian TV stations.

Dick appeared on numerous radio talk shows, written several magazine articles, and spoke at many Bible conferences and universities. He served as an adjunct professor at six Schools of the Bible and Seminaries.

In addition, Dick authored and co-authored several books and tapes. Dick's ministry was characterized by the unique gifts God has blessed him with. His services informed, enlightened, and motivated people to a higher level of commitment to God.

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