The Fourth Man

by Oral Roberts | Uncategorized

When the king looked in, all four of them were walking around in the fire, unhurt and untouched by the flames. The form of the Fourth Man was like the Son of God!
When the soldiers threw Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego into the fiery furnace, the Fourth Man hurled himself through space and in a moment’s time was beside them, going into the burning fiery furnace with them. By the time the door was shut, He had ripped off their bonds and clothed them with divine protection. When the king looked in, all four of them were walking around in the fire, unhurt and untouched by the flames. The form of the Fourth Man was like the Son of God!

Who is this Fourth Man?

  • In Genesis He is the Seed of the Woman. In Exodus He is the Passover Lamb.
  • In Leviticus He is our High Priest.
  • In Numbers He is the Pillar of Cloud by day and the Pillar of Fire by night.
  • In Deuteronomy He is the Prophet like unto Moses. In Joshua He is the Captain of our Salvation.
  • In Judges He is our judge and Lawgiver. In Ruth He is our Kinsman-Redeemer.
  • In 1 and 2 Samuel He is our Trusted Prophet.
  • In Kings and Chronicles He is our Reigning King. In Ezra He is our Faithful Scribe.
  • In Nehemiah He is the Rebuilder of the Broken Down Walls of human life.
  • In Esther He is our Mordecai.
  • In Job He is our Ever-Living Redeemer: “For I know my Redeemer liveth.”

Who is this Fourth Man?

  • In Psalms He is our Shepherd.
  • In Proverbs and Ecclesiastes He is our Wisdom.
  • In the Song of Solomon He is our Lover and Bridegroom. In Isaiah He is the Prince of Peace.
  • In Jeremiah He is the Righteous Branch.
  • In Lamentations He is our Weeping Prophet.
  • In Ezekiel He is the Wonderful Four-Faced Man.
  • And in Daniel He is the Fourth Man in “Life’s Fiery Furnaces.”

Who is this Fourth Man?

  • In Hosea He is the Faithful Husband, “Forever married to the backslider.”
  • In Joel He is the Baptizer with the Holy Ghost and Fire. In Amos He is our Burden-Bearer.
  • In Obadiah He is the Mighty to Save.
  • In Jonah He is our great Foreign Missionary.
  • In Micah He is the Messenger of Beautiful Feet. In Nahum He is the Avenger of God’s Elect.
  • In Habakkuk He is God’s Evangelist, crying, “Revive thy work in the midst of the years.”
  • In Zephaniah He is our Savior.
  • In Haggai He is the Restorer of God’s Lost Heritage.
  • In Zechariah He is the Fountain Opened in the House of David for sin and uncleanness.
  • In Malachi He is the Sun of Righteousness, rising with healing in His wings.

Who is this Fourth Man?

  • In Matthew He is the Messiah.
  • In Mark He is the Wonder-Worker. In Luke He is the Son of Man.
  • In John He is the Son of God. In Acts He is the Holy Ghost. In Romans He is our justifier.
  • In 1 and 2 Corinthians He is our Sanctifier.
  • In Galatians He is the Redeemer from the curse of the Law. In Ephesians He is the Christ of Unsearchable Riches.
  • In Philippians He is the God Who Supplies All Our Needs. In Colossians He is the Fullness of the Godhead Bodily. In 1 and 2 Thessalonians He is our Soon-Coming King.
  • In 1 and 2 Timothy He is our Mediator Between God and Man.
  • In Titus he is our Faithful Pastor.
  • In Philemon He is the Friend That Sticketh Closer than a Brother.

Who is this Fourth Man?

  • In Hebrews He is the Blood of the Everlasting Covenant.
  • In James He is our Great Physician, for “the prayer of faith shall save the sick.”
  • In I and 2 Peter He is our Chief Shepherd, who soon shall appear with a crown of unfading glory. In 1, 2, and 3 John He is Love.
  • In Jude He is the Lord Coming with Ten Thousands of His Saints.
  • And in Revelation He is the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS!

Who is this Fourth Man?

  • He is Abel’s Sacrifice, Noah’s Rainbow, Abraham’s Ram, Isaac’s Wells, Jacob’s Sceptre, Moses’ Rod, Joshua’s Sun and Moon that stood still, Elijah’s Mantle, Elisha’s Staff, Gideon’s Fleece, Samuel’s Horn of Oil, David’s Slingshot, Isaiah’s Fig Poultice, Hezekiah’s Sundial, Daniel’s Visions, Amos’ Burden, and Malachi’s Sun of Righteousness.

Who is this Fourth Man?

  • He is Peter’s Shadow, Stephen’s Signs and Wonders, Paul’s Handkerchiefs and Aprons, and John’s Pearly White City.

Who is this Fourth Man?

  • He is a Father to the Orphan, Husband to the Widow, to the traveler in the night He is the Bright and Morning Star; to those who walk in the lonesome valley He is the Lily of the Valley, the Rose of Sharon, and Honey in the Rock.
  • He is the Brightness of God’s Glory, the Express Image of His Person, the King of Glory, the Pearl of Great Price, the Rock in a Weary Land, the Cup that Runneth Over, the Rod and Staff that comfort. And the government of our lives is upon His shoulders.

Who is this Fourth Man?

  • He is Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of the living God! My Savior! My Companion! My Lord and King!

Oral Roberts Ministries.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Granville Oral Roberts was one of the most famous and influential Christian leaders of the twentieth century.

Born January 24, 1918, in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, the fifth and youngest child of Rev. Ellis Melvin and Claudius Priscilla Roberts, Oral Roberts grew up to become world renowned as a healing evangelist, author, educator, and television personality.

His ministry began with his own miracle healing of tuberculosis at the age of 17. As his older brother drove him to a revival meeting to be prayed for, God spoke to him and said, “Son, I am going to heal you, and you are to take My healing power to your generation. You are to build Me a university based on My authority and on the Holy Spirit.” Roberts was miraculously healed that night of both tuberculosis and lifelong stuttering. His call from God and supernatural healing marked the beginning of a miracle ministry.

In 1947 Roberts established the Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association in Tulsa, Oklahoma. In obedience to God’s call on his life, he conducted miracle healing crusades across America and around the world in a great “tent cathedral.” Each night, thousands who were sick and dying came for healing prayer and to hear his dynamic message that God is a good God.

In a time when many equated poverty with spirituality, and sickness with God’s discipline and punishment, Roberts taught that God is good and wants His people to be healthy and prosperous, as he discovered in God’s Word. Through the years, he conducted more than 300 healing crusades in more than 35 countries on six continents. It’s estimated that Roberts personally laid hands on more than two million people for healing prayer.

In 1955 Roberts revolutionized evangelism by bringing television cameras into his live healing crusade services and providing a “front-row seat for miracles” for millions of viewers. Coining phrases such as God is a good God, something good is going to happen to you, release your faith, and expect a miracle, he soon helped people everywhere find a better understanding of God’s goodness and His desire to make them whole.

In 1958 Roberts established the Abundant Life Prayer Group to address the around-the-clock needs of those suffering and requesting prayer. On call 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, caring prayer partners now receive as many as 3,000 calls a day. In the more than 50 years of their existence, they have received more than 23 million phone calls—many from people reporting miracle answers to their prayers.

In 1963 Roberts founded Oral Roberts University, a 500-acre campus in Tulsa, Oklahoma, based on God’s mandate—“Raise up your students to hear My voice, to go where My light is dim, where My voice is heard small, and My healing power is not known, even to the uttermost bounds of the earth. Their work will exceed yours, and in this I am well pleased.” He served as President of ORU until 1993.

A leader in the Charismatic movement of the 1960s and ’70s, Roberts’ in-depth study of the Holy Spirit led to a new revelation of the power that resides in every born-again believer.

In 1981, Roberts took a bold step of faith in building the City of Faith Medical and Research Center to merge the healing streams of medicine and prayer as God had revealed it to him. In the years it operated, it made a tremendous impact upon people’s understanding that God heals through both prayer and medicine, as well as emphasizing the importance of treating the whole person—body, mind, and spirit.

Roberts wrote more than 130 books, several personal commentaries on the Bible, and other inspirational material. One of his most substantive works is a 74-CD set titled Oral Roberts Reading the New Testament with His Personal Commentary that includes his life’s teachings on God’s Word. Perhaps best known is his book The Miracle of Seed Faith, which revolutionized the lives of millions of people who learned how to get their needs met through God’s eternal plan of giving and receiving.

In remembering his father, son Richard said, “He was a beloved husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. Oral Roberts was not only my earthly father; he was also my spiritual father and mentor. He was the greatest man of God I’ve ever known. An innovator and a modern-day apostle of the healing ministry, he was one of the first men of his generation to build a worldwide ministry, an accredited university, and a medical and research center. He had a passion to bring healing to the sick. He came along when many in Christendom did not believe in God’s power and goodness, yet his name became synonymous with miracles.

“The Bible teaches that when a Christian dies, he or she is instantly transferred into the presence of God. My father has run his race and finished his course. Now he is in heaven, and we as Christians have the Bible promise that someday we will be reunited. My heart is sad, but my faith in God is soaring, knowing that the man I so dearly loved is now with Jesus.”

Roberts often said he could never have done all that he did without having his darling wife Evelyn by his side. For more than 66 years, they were a partnership for the Lord in taking the message of God’s saving, healing, delivering power to the world for more than six decades.

Oral Roberts was preceded in death by his wife Evelyn; a daughter and son-in-law, Rebecca Ann and Marshall Nash; a son, Ronald David Roberts; a grandson, Richard Oral Roberts; his mother and father; two sisters, Velma Roberts and Jewel Faust; and two brothers, Elmer and Vaden Roberts. He is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Richard and Lindsay Roberts; a daughter and son-in-law, Roberta and Ronald Potts, all of Tulsa; 12 grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren.

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