The Glory of God is Appearing

by Andreas Huebner | Articles, Christian Living

The glory of God in us is so hard to describe, because it encompasses everything: the whole Gospel.
“The glory of the LORD shall endure for ever: the LORD shall rejoice in his works” (Ps. 104:31).

The works of God often go far beyond our intellect and powers of imagination. Those who say that miracles are no longer happening do not know Jesus Christ!

During our crusades again and again we see how God is making the impossible happen: blind eyes are opened, the deaf hear, cripples’ limbs grow again, crutches and wheelchairs go flying, the bound are set free, lives are totally changed – in an instant.

When I see this, I am overawed and I can only say, “Lord, how great thou art!” These are all manifestations of the glory of God.

“Just a minute,” you might say, “the glory of God? The Old Testament mentions it. In those days the glory of God was so glorious that the people could not go near, when it was present.”

Yes, right! But that is precisely the difference between the Old and the New Covenants. Jesus has rent the veil. By His blood we have access to the throne of God—and thereby to His glory.

In Luke 11:20 Jesus says, “But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you.”

And where the Kingdom of God is, there also is His glory. Deliverance (as in Luke 11:20) therefore is a manifestation of His glory.

What is the Glory of God?
God is glorifying Himself in us! He is showing His greatness, His glory, in you and in me. His glory—deliverance, healing, restoration, provision…what else belongs to it?

The glory of God in us is so hard to describe, because it encompasses everything: the whole Gospel. Because of Jesus Christ the glory of God is ours. It belongs to us and we must make it a part of our lives.

Therefore God delivered His son up for us. When Jesus in John 17 prayed for His people, He said, “And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them….” To you! And to me!

The word “glory,” as expressed in the Old Testament, means “abundance, welfare, honor, dignity,” among other things. These are the things God wants to grant to us.

He wants to bless us abundantly. He wants us to be well. He wants to change our lives, so that we have life in abundance – and that other people discern His glory by what they see and hear from us.

“Glory” is to do with “reigning.” And we can only “reign in life,” as Romans 5:17 says, when the glory of God is manifested in our lives.

And there is another thing that happens because of the glory of God: When I preach the Word in crusades or pray for people there, I do not have to send them back home with a promise.

No, God’s answer appears instantly! His glory appears at once! Healing takes place instantly. Lives are changed—from totally broken to perfectly whole and new—in an instant.

Where the glory of God appears, every work of the enemy comes to naught all at once. We need no longer have to dream that “some day” the Glory of God will visit us.

No, the glory of God is already present. The dream became a reality—more than 2000 years ago on the cross at Calvary! We only need to comprehend it—and take it!

More of the Glory of God
I am always overwhelmed when I see the glory of God in our crusades. But I am no more content with this great power falling during crusades. I have understood that God wants to give more.

And I want to see that happen. I no longer want to see His glory only while I am ministering in the Third World; I want it to be present with you and with myself, in our everyday life.

I want to see the same things happen with each of us here in the so-called western world that I see during the crusades.

I refuse to think in low dimensions. I refuse to pray in religious modesty, for God does not call someone praying that way “humble,” but rather “of little faith.” Jesus likes us coming to Him with great expectancy.

I do not want to be lukewarm. I want to burn for Jesus Christ! I am longing for His glory to be revealed in my life and to shine through me! Every area of my life shall be full of His glory. He wants to bless me “according to his riches in glory” (Phil. 4:19)! And what about you?

Copyright © Jesus To The World Mission
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Andreas Huebner, in full-time ministry since 1989. Happily married to his lovely wife, Martina.

Faith comes by hearing the Word of God: Andreas Huebner's evangelistic crusades and conferences have been held in many parts of the world. People from all over the world have experienced incredible breakthroughs, new hope, healing, and even financial victories through his anointed ministry. He has spoken to some of the most impacting audiences and churches in the United States and around the globe. Andreas Huebner encourages multitudes of people through the Prophetic Gift and the Word of Knowledge new direction along the journey God has called them to.