The Glory World

by Billye Brim | Uncategorized

A text just reached me that an outstanding teacher and gift to the Body of Christ, Brother Charles Capps, has departed earth for The Glory World.
My mind went to the first chapter of Richard Sigmund’s book My Time in Heaven: A True Story of Dying…and Coming Back. It is so good; I want to share it with you.

I had been driving down the road in my van, but all of a sudden, I was in a veil. It was like a thick cloud. There were gold, purple, and amber colors and a bright light. The cloud pulsated as sound was going through it. And I was going through it, too.

Behind me, I could hear people talking. They were only a few inches away. There were sirens. Lots of noise. And I heard the words, “He’s Dead.”
A force was drawing me through a glory cloud, and on the other side of the cloud I could hear people singing. There was laughter with great joy, and I was in total peace.

I smelled an aroma—and experienced a taste—like strawberries and cream. (Brim note: No taste of death. Hebrews 2:9.)

For what seemed like a few minutes, I was moving through the cloud, and yet the cloud was moving through me. Then, I turned to my right to what appeared to be a receiving area.
Reunion of Family Members
Just a few feet from me, I could see two women standing. Somehow, I knew that they were of great age, but their countenances were like they were in their mid-twenties, and they were beautiful. They were hugging each other and seemed very joyful, and they were looking through the veil.

“He is coming; I see him. He is coming Here he comes.”
Suddenly a man came through the veil. He had a look of profound confusion for a moment. He didn’t know where he was. But, just as suddenly, he looked at the women and recognized them. They began to hug him and to praise and worship god. It was a joyous reunion. 

Reunion of a Pastor and Church Members

Further to the right, I noticed a group of about fifty people. They, too, were worshipping God. Many were standing there with their arms up just praising Him Some were hugging each other and saying, “Here he comes; I see him coming.”

They were apparently waiting for their pastor, who had just died. Suddenly, he was in the veil. When he first appeared, he looked like a very old man. But, as suddenly as he appeared into the heavenly atmosphere, all of the age lines in his face disappeared, and his gnarled little body straightened up. This very old pastor now looked as if he was in his mid- to late twenties… He just stood there bewildered. But, in a moment, it dawned on him that he was in heaven, and he began to rejoice…
Greeted in Heaven by People and Angels
As I understand it, no one has ever come to heaven without having other people greet him or her…

Then, I noticed that there were not only people greeting the pastor who had just come through the veil, but also angels. And there were angels for the others who came through. All up and down the veil, people were coming through. And there were always angels to meet them.

Evidently, you can see through the veil from heaven, but you can’t see through it from earth…People in heaven somehow knew that they should be at the receiving area when someone was coming. Later I learned that there are announcement centers in heaven, and people are notified that their loved ones are about to arrive there…
The veil extended as far to the left and right as I could see. I had the impression that it was hundreds of miles long in each direction. And every few feet, there was a path lading into heaven. Everyone who came through the veil had a path unique for him or her. And I had a path ¾ the path was for me.

Then, from behind me, I heard a voice saying, “You have an appointment with God,” and I felt a familiar touch.

Although I could not see who was behind me, I believe it was the Lord Jesus. I recognized His Voice. 
At Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin’s Homegoing Memorial in September 2003, I saw Mrs. Freda Lindsay of Christ for the Nations, and went over to speak with her. She said that she wanted to share something with me.            

She had received word soon after Brother Hagin slipped out of his body Sunday, just after eating a good breakfast. An EMT was called and they got Brother Hagin’s body to respond. Mrs. Lindsay wanted to call the student body to prayer on Monday, so she wanted to know how to pray. She called her personal prayer partner to pray with her about the matter. They asked the Lord if they should pray for Brother Hagin to come back, or if he should stay in Heaven.

Freda’s prayer partner was there as we talked at the memorial. Mrs. Lindsay said to her, “Tell Billye what you saw.”

She said, “I suddenly saw beyond the veil.  A huge crowd of people was thronging toward what may have been the shoreline of a sea.  An excited buzz went through their midst.  “Did you hear? Brother Hagin’s coming!”  “Kenneth Hagin is coming!”

Then the crowd parted to make way for another group. Down the path they had created came another group of people. They walked then to the front of the waiting multitude.

“Who are they?” she heard. “Those are his family and close friends.”

Then she saw Jesus walking across the sea with his arm around Kenneth Hagin. They walked up the shore with the people following them.

Standing there I thought of how we had stood in the earthly memorial to honor his family and close ones.
Here a sendoff!  There a glad reunion!
Oh, the crowd who must have met Brother Capps. His family. His peers. The millions he’d reached and taught the good Word of the Lord. The angels he’d written about.

And somewhere in the crowd may have been my darling mother, Lola Marie Combs. Mom was a published writer. I had to convince her to become an editor. When Harrison House began, she was their sole editor. Some of the first books she did were those of Charles Capps. And he remained “one” of her favorites.

Billye Brim Ministries
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Billye Brim's Christian heritage is rich. She sensed the call of God in early childhood. However, it was only after an encounter with the Holy Spirit in 1967, that she as a young wife and mother of four began to follow Him to walk out her call. For almost ten years she served as Editor of Publications for Kenneth E. Hagin Ministries where she also taught at Rhema Bible Training Center.

Immediately after ordination in 1980, she traveled to Soviet Russia in what proved to be ongoing ministry there. Since then she has literally ministered around the world several times over.

Kent and Billye Brim with Lee and Jan Morgans founded a local church in Collinsville, Oklahoma. A Glorious Church Fellowship is the foundation of Billye Brim Ministries and Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks in Branson, Missouri, and the soon-to-be-built Migdal Arbel Prayer and Study Center in Israel.

When Kent passed away in 1986, Billye was led to "study Hebrew in the Land." Studying at Ulpan Akiva in Israel led to the unique Seminar Tours she has guided in the Land from 1986 to now. It also provided a pattern for the Prayer and Study Center in Israel.

"Helping Pray-ers" is a God-given directive in her life. One place this happens is at Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks near Branson, Missouri. On 200 plus acres log cabins provide places for individual prayer or small prayer groups. Corporate prayer meetings are held twice a week in the chapel.

On Wednesdays at 12 Noon Central Time, the meeting is streamed live. Pray-ers (who have named themselves World-Wide Pray-ers) join in united prayer via thousands of computers in more than 60 nations. This prayer is focused primarily on an Awakening to God. For in a corporate prayer meeting in June 2008, Billye Brim and the pray-ers were impressed with these words: One thing will save America…an Awakening to God. One thing will avail for Israel and the nations, An Awakening to God. Several thousand pray-ers from around the world gather in Branson for an Autumn Assembly of Prayer she hosts.

Billye Brim is blessed to work with others across the Body of Christ. She strongly believes in walking out what Scripture teaches that we are one Body, with one Head, one Spirit, one Lord.

First Corinthians 10:32 is foundational in Billye Brim's ministry. The "good works that He has ordained that she should walk in" involve activity among the Jews, the Nations, and the Church-all to the Glory of God.

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