“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord” (Luke 4:18-19).
The message Jesus preached was this: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me.” That may not mean a great deal to you right now, but if you’ll keep reading for a few minutes, that one verse will make you shout for joy!
The word anoint actually means “to pour on, smear all over or rub into.” So Jesus was telling the people in Nazareth that day, “God is poured on, smeared all over and rubbed into Me.” He was telling them from the book of Isaiah that He had come with the yoke-destroying, burden-removing power of Almighty God all over Him.
He didn’t just make that statement either. He began to preach a sermon saying: “Hey, I have good news for you! Poverty is a yoke and I’m anointed to destroy it! Brokenheartedness is a yoke and I’m here to destroy it! Being captive to sin, sickness, demons and fear is a yoke, and I’m here with the yoke-destroying power and presence of God. I’m here to get the burden off your back! I’m here to set you free!”
That’s the gospel Jesus preached. It is the good news of the anointing!
And it’s available to you today. Whatever Satan is throwing your way, you don’t have to put up with one more second of it. If you’ll draw on that anointing power within, if you’re born again, you can be free. That anointing is available to deliver you from every stronghold of the devil. It can tell you things you never knew before.
It can destroy the bondages you’ve fought for years. It can obliterate and utterly destroy as to powder every burden of condemnation, guilt, fear, lack, poverty, abuse, addiction, torment, hatred and anger, just to name a few.
I mean, whatever it is you’ve wanted to be free of, the Anointing of Jesus is what will do it. And, if you’ve made Jesus the Lord of your life, it’s right there on the inside of you. Receive it. Receive the good news of the anointing!
Speak the Word: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. He has anointed me with the same anointing that Jesus has. The anointing in me removes every burden and destroys every yoke in my life. (Luke 4:18; Isa. 10:27)
For Further Study: Luke 4:14-19
Daily Scripture Reading: Genesis 44-45; Matthew 24
Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc.
aka: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
For the last 50 years Kenneth and Gloria Copeland have been passionately teaching Christians all over the world how to apply the principles of faith found in God's WORD to their lives.
They have seven ministry offices around the world: United States, Canada, Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Ukraine and Latin America. Their God-given directive is to preach and teach the uncompromised WORD of God on every available voice, which is being accomplished through a variety of channels, including our Believer's Voice of Victory TV and radio broadcasts, podcast and magazine; Believers' Conventions, Victory Campaigns and Living Victory meetings; published books, website, and social media channels, to name a few.
With the expansion of technology, they have more work to do now than ever. They are determined to let the world know Jesus is LORD, and they are not slowing down anytime soon!