The Gospel—A Living Force

by Andreas Huebner | Articles, Faith

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.”
(Rom. 1:16)

The Gospel is a living force. When the Gospel is preached under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, something happens in the hearts of the hearers. “Sauls are transformed into Pauls,” and sinners are changed into children of God.

The Word of God is a powerful invisible force that has the capability of penetrating every heart. It is so strong, that even the strongest opposer of God cannot flee from it.

Wherever the Word of God is being preached in power and authority, signs and miracles are taking place: the blind see, the deaf hear, cripples are rising up out of their wheelchairs, demons are fleeing!

The Word of God has the power to change whole nations at a moment’s notice.

Beyond Salvation
When the Bible speaks about the Word of God being the power to salvation, this does not only mean that it has the power to get a person born again. To be born again and baptized in Christ is only the beginning of life in the power of the Gospel.

A life that has been born again through the breath of the Holy Spirit in the power of the Gospel is destined to be lived day by day and hour by hour, in the authority of the Word. We must become fully aware of the power of the Word of God to be able to fully enjoy its benefits.

Faith Speaks

…If ye have faith, and doubt not…if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.
(Matt. 21:21)

If we proclaim God’s Word to the “mountains” in our life and allow no doubt, then they have to obey! Cancer has to obey. All kinds of sicknesses and diseases have to obey. Financial problems have to obey. The powers of darkness have to obey – because God’s Word is a creative and a living force!

Jesus Christ Himself stands by His Word and fulfills it if we absolutely count on it and if we confess it with our mouth without a shadow of doubt! The more we confess the Word of God, the more it sinks into our heart and drives out every doubt.

The Word of God never loses its power because Jesus Christ and His Word are one. HE is the same: yesterday, today, and forever!

Faith Knows No Defeats
Nothing is impossible with God! Faith is always providing a way of escape out of every desperate situation. The Word of God is not a religious “tranquilizer.” If we use the Word of God we have the ability to change every defeat into victory. The lie of the devil that some tormenting problem in our life is our “destiny” is forever exposed.

Our destiny as children of God, is that we might have life, and that we might have it more abundantly. The greek word for “life” is the word “zoe,” and it describes the state of one who is “possessed” of vitality and who enjoys the total fullness of life in Christ.

Faith Is Impudent
The Lord loves it if we have “impudent” faith. He Himself has never set any limit to what we can achieve with His Word. We must learn to tear down the limits in our heads and start taking our position as kings and priests.

When Jesus walked on the water and Peter asked the almost “impudent” question, “Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water!”, the Lord didn’t reply, “Peter, who do you think you are?” Jesus wasn’t upset with Peter. The total opposite was the case. He simply replied, “Come!”

Or look at the woman with the issue of blood. She didn’t ask Jesus if He would allow her to touch the hem of His garment. She pressed through the crowd that was standing around Jesus and seized her healing by faith when she touched the hem of His garment.

Because of her “impudent” behavior the woman was fearing and trembling, “…fearing and trembling…came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth (Mark 5:33). This woman considered her own behavior as so impudent that she was even afraid to admit that it was she who touched the garment of the Lord.

Faith is a wonderful thing. If you have seen even once how the Lord is healing those who have been told by their doctors that they have only days or even hours left to live then you will never be satisfied, until you see it again and again!

You will become hungry for more of God’s power, more healings, more deliverances…more…more…more! If the Lord did it for others, why should He not do the same for you?

The Lady With The Photo
A situation that happened a few years ago when I was ministering at a crusade with African people, comes to mind. While I was preaching, a woman with tears in her eyes came running to me on the platform. My bodyguards wanted to send her away, but she tried again and again, and eventually she somehow managed to get through to me and to interrupt my message.

I said to her: “What do you want here? We will pray for the sick later,” but I could not shake her off. She knelt down and said, “Please, please pray for my husband. Yesterday he had a terrible traffic accident and he is now in a coma in the intensive care unit. His face and arms are cut with splinters of glass from the windshield. Please, please pray for my husband now!”

She took an old black and white photograph of her husband out of her bag and said in a commanding voice, “If you lay your hands on the photo, my husband will be healed!”

I looked at the woman and heard myself saying, “If I lay my right hand on the photo, your husband will be healed immediately!” I laid my right hand on the photograph and asked the Lord to heal this man. It wasn’t a very “special” or “spectacular” prayer, and I felt nothing special when I laid my hand on the photo.

By faith, the woman phoned the hospital immediately after the meeting was over wanting to hear that her husband was healed. She learned that exactly at the time when I was laying my hand on the photo, her husband came out of the coma, and inexplicably, all splinters of glass fell off his skin, and all wounds closed immediately.

It was the “impudent” faith of the wife that led to the healing of her husband! She didn’t accept the condition that her husband was in, and seized his healing by faith.

God loves it if we come to Him with great expectation and faith. He loves to bless His children beyond measure.

Jesus To The World Mission
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Andreas Huebner, in full-time ministry since 1989. Happily married to his lovely wife, Martina.

Faith comes by hearing the Word of God: Andreas Huebner's evangelistic crusades and conferences have been held in many parts of the world. People from all over the world have experienced incredible breakthroughs, new hope, healing, and even financial victories through his anointed ministry. He has spoken to some of the most impacting audiences and churches in the United States and around the globe. Andreas Huebner encourages multitudes of people through the Prophetic Gift and the Word of Knowledge new direction along the journey God has called them to.