The Greatest Love Comes From Above

by Julaine Christensen | Valentine's Day

The Bible is God’s Valentine to you and me and in it, His Word is the love letter written in the precious blood of Jesus. I just returned from purchasing Valentine cards and candy for my grandchildren. The heart-shaped boxes and bright cherry-red packages were great expressions of what I feel toward them.

Love is in the air. A grandmother will do anything and go to any length to express how important these little Valentines are. In fact, I can’t think of anything more exciting than watching my grandchildren grow into the plans and purposes of God.

Seeing children through a grandparent’s eyes is very different from a parent as we have time to meditate and analyze every word, expression, and gesture our perfect grandchildren make.

We can take the smallest little smile they give and know that God is going to use this child to change the world. No Valentine card could ever even begin to express what we feel.

God the Father feels the same way. In fact, it says in Psalm 139:13-18 that He formed our inward parts. He knit us together in our mother’s womb. It also says that our frame was not hidden from Him when we were being formed in secret.

What is so amazing is that before we were ever born, our Father thought us through. He created our purpose in life and then formed our inward parts to fit that purpose. In other words, everyone of His creation has been destined by God to fit into the purpose and plan of creation.

Certainly we are not a blob of “something” that He just threw together. We did not just come into being – people, we were knit together with the greatest of love that has ever been given.

How proud He was as each one became a living being fit for the Master’s use. In fact, maybe one could say that we are the canvas and the Father painted daily and carefully forming the beauty of His love within each of us.

Possibly that is the reason so many are looking for something in this world to fill a void that ONLY His love can fill. The canvas is never complete until the space of His love is painted in.

It says in Psalm 139:17,

How precious and weighty also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I could count them, they would be more in number than the sand. When I awoke, I would still be with You.

I like to think that His thoughts toward me are more than the sands possibly of the sea. The sands of the seas cover a lot of territory. Have you ever put sand in your hand and let it slide through your fingers?

Think of it! His thoughts toward you and me are more than the sands. If I truly tried to calculate, I really could not – it would be impossible. But suppose that the sands of the seas are an incalculable number – then perhaps He thinks about me every trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second every day.

I am trying to expand for you just how much His thoughts of love are. He thinks love thoughts towards YOU everyday, all day and every second of the day. Do you suppose that the Father loves you and me?

Do you suppose like a proud Father (Grandfather), there are no words or Valentine wishes to express just what He feels toward us? Actually, the Bible is His Valentine to you and me and in it, His Word is the love letter written in the precious blood of Jesus for you and me.

Copyright © Julaine International Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Julaine Christensen is an author, psalmist, revivalist, and teacher, and she has spent her life serving the body of Christ as a "mother" to the church. The mission of her apostolic ministry has always been to equip sons and daughters to seek the Kingdom of God through worship, prayer, prophecy, and relationship with the Holy Spirit.

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