The Number One Job Of A KidMin Pastor

by Mark Harper | Uncategorized

I was a Children’s Pastor for 15 years before I understood the primary purpose of my job.

I thought the main thing was teaching kids the Word of God, but really the main thing is being a conduit of the love of the Father to the kids that you teach.

I still remember the day that everything changed for me.

I was in church. It was toward the end of the service. The Pastor was giving an altar call. The worship team was singing a song entitled “So Come” by Kevin Prosch.

You have taken the precious
From the worthless and given us
Beauty for ashes, love for hate
You have chosen the weak things of the world
To shame that which is strong, and the foolish things
To shame the wise
You are help to the helpless
Strength to the stranger
And a father to the child who’s left alone

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I was a Children’s Pastor for 15 years before I understood the primary purpose of my job.

I thought the main thing was teaching kids the Word of God, but really the main thing is being a conduit of the love of the Father to the kids that you teach.

I still remember the day that everything changed for me.

I was in church. It was toward the end of the service. The Pastor was giving an altar call. The worship team was singing a song entitled “So Come” by Kevin Prosch.

You have taken the precious
From the worthless and given us
Beauty for ashes, love for hate
You have chosen the weak things of the world
To shame that which is strong, and the foolish things
To shame the wise
You are help to the helpless
Strength to the stranger
And a father to the child who’s left alone

Most of the time God speaks to us through what the Bible calls “a still small voice,” but sometimes He speaks to us through pictures. For example, at times during prayer I will see faces of people I need to pray for. I have learned to follow these prayer ques.

I had my eyes closed as I sang the words ‘a father to the child who is left alone’ but on the inside I saw a picture a young boy who looked to be eight years old. The boy was sitting by himself inside a dark house, looking out a picture window at kids and families who were playing outside. He had a really sad look on his face. 

Father to the Fatherless
My first thought was one of human empathy. Suddenly from above and behind I saw a bright light from heaven shine on the boy. When the light hit him, I felt God’s heart for the young boy that had been left alone. It’s impossible to describe in words, but for one second I felt God’s heart for the fatherless. I began to pray and weep for the fatherless children in our nation.

Debbie looked at me and asked, “What’s wrong?” I couldn’t convey to her what I had seen. I just kept praying and crying for about 15 minutes.

As a Children’s Pastor I have always seen myself as an extension of the lead Pastor (which is true), however, most importantly a Kidmin Pastor is an extension of the Father’s heart to the children, especially those who do not have fathers that live with them. If God is a Father to the fatherless, how will they know unless we demonstrate His love in a practical way?

If you have been ministering to children for any length of time you know that there is a spiritual bond that develops between you and the kids you teach. The purpose of this bond is so the love of the Father can flow to the kids that need it the most.

What do they need? They need someone to be there for them. Just like you have been doing week after week. The kids you teach know that when they go to church that you will be there for them, to hug them, love on them and pray for them. They can count on you and it teaches them that they can they can count on Father God.

Keep doing what you are doing. Run your race and finish your course.

Continue to be a conduit of the Father’s love.

Copyright © Mark Harper Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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Pastor and Leadership Coach, Mark Harper has 35 years of experience in the local church. He is the creator of the Super Church 2.0 Curriculum, which is used in over 5,000 churches worldwide. The focus of Mark's ministry is helping leaders build strong churches and helping parents build strong families. Not only has Mark served in the local church as pastor, associate pastor, and family ministry pastor but he is also a certified coach with the John Maxwell Team. He also recently released the Amazon Best Selling book The Red Book: The Lifeblood of Children's Ministry.

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