The Sabbath

by Dan Stratton | Uncategorized

Life is moving faster now than ever. The Internet, satellite television, airplanes, cars, laptops, cell phones and all of the other technological advances have made it very difficult for us to prioritize prayer and rest.

“There is more to life
than increasing its speed.”
– Mahatma Gandhi

When I read this sage advice, many scriptural thoughts dart across the screen of my mind. “The Sabbath is holy unto the Lord.” It is the fourth of the Ten Commandments. It is also one that I have broken on more than one occasion.

This I say with tongue in cheek. I break this one all of the time. I have been known to say, “If you don’t take your Sabbath, your Sabbath will take you.”

Funny thing about truth: it happens whether you want it to or not. The Lordship of Jesus is that way. Either you will bow your knee willingly and receive the abundant blessing, or you will be forced to bow your knee and receive judgment.

Today, I rode the elliptical trainer at the gym for almost seven miles. It took me a little over 60 minutes to do so and I prayed in the spirit for as much of the ride as I could.

As people moved around me and the music played, I did my best to focus on my prayers and forget about the rest. It was wonderful, but I experienced the truth of Paul’s words when he said, “Let us labor to enter into that rest.”

It has become work to shut down the distractions of the day. But if you cannot shut out the distractions, then you run into a precarious position. Paul says that if you cannot rest, you are in unbelief. If you will not rest, then you are in rebellion.

Let us not be ignorant to this great truth.

Unbelief is extremely dangerous and costly and so is rebellion. The penalties for being found in either of these are too high to pay. The delays that can be caused because of these two sins are not worth the small amount of forward progress we will make on the seventh consecutive day of work.

On the other hand, I have seen the flip side of this truth. Many in the Body of Christ are lethargic and lazy. They are asleep most of the time. The Sabbath teachings are clear. Work six days and rest one. You are entitled to the Sabbath rest once you have completed six days of productive work.

If today you will hear His voice, harden not your heart.
(Heb. 3:7-8)

Life is moving faster now than ever. The Internet, satellite television, airplanes, cars, laptops, cell phones and all of the other technological advances have made it very difficult for us to prioritize prayer and rest.

I beseech you my brothers and sisters, by the power in the name of Yahshua ha Moschiach to cast down every imagination that would exalt itself against the knowledge of God.

I ask you humbly to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, for it is not by power and not by might but by My Spirit says the Lord. Remember, it is the willing and the obedient that will eat and possess the good of the land.

I count it a privilege to be able to speak into your life. Have an amazing day.

Faith Exchange Fellowship
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Faith Exchange is a non-denominational Christian church located at 95 Leonard Street in downtown Manhattan, New York. It was founded by Dan and Ann Stratton in 1994 after being licensed by Kenneth Copeland Ministries. The church emphasizes achieving a balanced life with good health, spiritual fulfillment, family unity, and financial prosperity through following Jesus and serving others with love.

One of the notable aspects of Faith Exchange is "My Deeper Life," a national network of members who support each other through prayer and fellowship, following Dan's teachings.​

During the terrorist attack of 9/11 in 2001, the 90 West Street location of Faith Exchange was destroyed along with other buildings in the area. Despite this devastation, the church survived without loss of life. Today, Faith Exchange continues to hold services on Wednesdays and Sundays, often featuring inspirational speakers.

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