But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.
(Ps. 68:3)…be in high spirits and glory before Him! …glory before God, yes, let them [jubilantly] rejoice!
(Ps. 68:3 AMP)…Oh, Rejoice in His presence.
(Ps. 68:4 Living Bible)
…therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy….
(Ps. 27:6)…sacrifices of triumphant joy….
(Ps. 27:6 Rotherham)Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice.
(Ps. 63:7)For You have been my help, And in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy.
(Ps. 63:7 NAB)
The Wigglesworth Shuffle
In Dr. Lester Sumrall’s book entitled Pioneers of Faith, he gave this account of one of his personal visits with Smith Wigglesworth: One day, I asked him, “Brother Wigglesworth, how is it that you look the same every time I come? How do you feel? He bellowed at me like a bull and said, “I don’t ever ask Smith Wigglesworth how he feels!” I asked, “How do you get up in the morning?” He said, “I jump out of bed! I dance before the Lord for at least ten to twelve minutes – high speed dancing. I jump up and down and run around my room telling God how great His is, how glad I am to be associated with Him and to be His child.” After this, he would take a cold shower, read the Bible for an hour, then open his mail to see what God would have him do that day. He was an extremely remarkable man, totally sold out to God.
Wigglesworth was known as a man of great faith and power. Maybe it seems unusual for a man like that to get up in the morning and dance, jump, and rejoice before God, but the supernatural signs and miracles that happened in his life were outstanding. Yet as we study the Bible, we see some excessive rejoicing by David, Job, Sarah, Mary, Elizabeth, Peter, and the Apostle Paul.
Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.
(Phil. 4:4)
What Happens When You Rejoice
One day, the Lord spoke to me so clearly and said, “If you only know what happens in the spirit when you rejoice, you would rejoice every day.” When we rejoice, we are acting like sons and daughters of God! Rejoicing is an act of faith. Remember the words of Paul in Acts 27:25: “Cheer up..I believe God that it shall be as He told me.” When we believe God, we can cheer up! Believing and rejoicing ushers in the glory and goodness of God in our lives.
…yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory….
(1 Peter 1:8)
…even now you are happy with the inexpressible joy that comes from heaven itself.
(1 Peter 1:8 Living Bible)
Joy: The Secret of Faith And Endurance
Though the fig tree does not blossom…the fields yield no food…No cattle in the stalls, Yet I will rejoice in the Lord…The Lord God is my Strength…He makes…me to walk…and make [spiritual] progress upon my high places [of trouble, suffering, or responsibility]!
(Hab. 3:17-19 AMP)
Rejoicing will enable us to make progress in difficult times. Joy is the secret of faith and endurance. James 1:2 says to count it all joy when trouble comes. This must be why Job laughed at destruction and trouble (Job 5:22). Of course, some people may think you are a fool, but if you have found joy, you have found the secret of survival and success.
Joy’s Multifaceted Connection
Joy is connected to: God’s presence (Ps. 16:11); God’s strength (Neh. 8:10); God’s salvation (Isa. 12:3); the anointing – the oil of joy (Heb. 1:9), God’s medicine (Prov. 17:22); God’s Word (Jer. 15:16, Ps. 119:162); and prosperity (2 Cor. 9:6-10, Ps. 105:37-45).
Look at all of the blessings of God that are connected to joy. It seems that if Satan can steal our joy, then he can damage a lot of other things in our lives.
Jesus Still Laughs
Joy and rejoicing are simply a choice we make daily. It is clear that God did not create us to be miserable. He created us in Christ to enjoy life and to have dominion. Joy is one the great secrets of faith. One of my favorite pictures of Jesus is the one of Him laughing triumphantly. Jesus sits in the heavens and laughs (Ps. 2:4). Make the choice to rejoice!
Summary Points: If you only knew what happens in the spirit when you rejoice, you would rejoice every day. Joy is one of the great secrets of faith.
Mark and Trina Hankins travel nationally and internationally preaching the Word of God with the power of the Holy Spirit. The vision of MHM is to take the spirit of faith, the message of who the believer is in Christ, and the work of the Holy Spirit to every generation and to every nation.
Mark and Trina Hankins have been in full-time ministry for over thirty five years. Through church services, leadership conferences, mission trips, publications, radio, television, Bible schools, and the internet, MHM is reaching the world with the Word of God. Mark is known widely for his unique anointing to minister on the subjects of faith and the believer’s identification in Christ.