We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed and therefore have I spoken, we also believe and therefore speak. (2 Cor. 4:13)
As I meditated on this verse, I got these words. “The principles of faith are taught, but the spirit of faith is caught.” Jesus spent much of His time teaching. The teaching ministry of Jesus was valuable and necessary. If people automatically knew how to receive from God and walk with Him, why did Jesus spend so time teaching? The fact is, we must have the teaching of the Word of God.
… The principles of faith are taught, but the spirit of faith is caught.
Jesus’ teachings were so plain and simple, anyone could understand exactly what He meant. He said what He meant, and He meant what He said. His illustrations are so clear, you would need a theologian to misunderstand them!
Catch The Spirit of Faith And Pass It On
The great thing about Jesus is that He will stay with you until you understand it. However, there is more to faith than principles. Remember Paul said, “We having the same spirit of faith…” (2 Cor. 4:13). You must catch the spirit of faith. The spirit of faith must be imparted. You can catch it by associating with people who have it. The spirit of faith is contagious! When you have it, you pass it on to others.
Abraham passed it on to his children and grandchildren. Joshua caught it form Moses. Elisha caught it form Elijah and doubled it. David’s mighty men in the cave of Adullam were not so mighty until they caught the spirit of faith from David. The disciples caught it form Jesus. Timothy caught it from Paul. These are just a few examples in the Word of God. Many are still catching the spirit of faith today. Even if you already have it, you can have more and double it, as Elisha did!
Faith Has No Limits
The spirit of faith is unlimited. Jesus said in Mark 9:23, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him (her) that believeth.” The spirit of faith takes the limits off God. God is not only a big, big, big God; but He is also a good, good, good God! Take the limits off of His ability and His goodness. God can do and wants to do things for you that are so glorious, there will be no doubt that He did it. I have found that God is so good, He will do things for you that you wouldn’t do for yourself.
The spirit of faith believes and speaks the unlimited possibilities of God. “For with God nothing shall be impossible,” Luke 1:37. The spirit of faith will make a tadpole slap a whale. It will make you swing out over hell on a cornstalk and spit in the devil’s eye. You can never achieve the impossible if you never attempt the impossible. The spirit of faith will position you to possess God’s best blessings.
You Are One Step Away From A Miracle
Some time ago, I was watching a nationally televised NCAA football game. The team was ranked in the top ten in the country, and the quarterback was one of the best in college football. The play had been called in the huddle, and the players were lined up at the line of scrimmage to run the play. The quarterback came up to the line, began to yell out the numbers, and bent over to receive the snap of the ball when he realized that he was behind the guard instead of the center.
If you know anything about American football, you know the Center is the one who snaps the ball to the quarterback, not the guard. In the middle of his calling the play, he took one step over right behind the center and hollered, “hut, hut, hut.” The ball was hiked to him, and the play was run successfully.
I laughed a little while I was watching this. Then the Lord spoke up to me, using that illustration. He said, “Some people need to make a small adjustment if they are going to receive from Me. Some people are only one step away from a miracle!”
It isn’t far from the guard to the center. Some people look like they are lined up with the Word of God, and they sound like are ready to run the play, but really there is a small adjustment that must be made before things work right. It isn’t difficult, but it requires humbling yourself and moving into a closer agreement with God’s way, power, and plan. Sometimes, it is just one small step over to receive from God.
Believe It and Say It
The Spirit of faith works by believing and speaking. The spirit of faith requires your “speaker” to be hooked up to your “believer.” In other words, for faith to work properly, it must be in your heart and in your mouth (Rom. 10:8-10; Mark 11:23).
The word spoken to you must be spoken through you. The spirit of faith does not guarantee that you won’t have any storms of life. The storms of life come to everyone. Paul illustrated this while at sea in the middle of a life-threatening storm However, the spirit of faith is what enables you to face the storms and overcome. The Apostle.
Wherefore sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me. (Acts 27:25)
The spirit of faith will put you over. In the middle of trouble, Paul said, “Cheer up, everyone! I believed God.” One person with the spirit of faith can change the destinies of many others. Paul said, “It shall be even as it was told me.” God’s Word is the foundation for our faith. The spirit of faith believes and speaks. What does the Word say? What has God spoken to you? Believe it and say it. It will put you over. It will take you through the storms of life an enable you to finish your course. It just causes you to say thank you Jesus’ and glory to God!
Mark and Trina Hankins travel nationally and internationally preaching the Word of God with the power of the Holy Spirit. The vision of MHM is to take the spirit of faith, the message of who the believer is in Christ, and the work of the Holy Spirit to every generation and to every nation.
Mark and Trina Hankins have been in full-time ministry for over thirty five years. Through church services, leadership conferences, mission trips, publications, radio, television, Bible schools, and the internet, MHM is reaching the world with the Word of God. Mark is known widely for his unique anointing to minister on the subjects of faith and the believer’s identification in Christ.