The Throne of Grace

by Kent Otey | Uncategorized

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
(Heb. 4:16)

Hebrews 4:16 clearly indicates the attitude that you come boldly to the throne of grace. It implies a realization that you need God, and the awareness that your life is empty without his intervention. Even though it says to come “boldly,” it’s always with an attitude of humility. So you come with confidence and assurance that you are going to receive.

We are to come boldly to the throne of grace so that we may obtain mercy. It’s interesting that the word obtain is used for mercy and find for grace. Those words are quite different. In the New King James, obtain is a Greek word that describes something that you lay hold of or receive; something that already belongs to you. You just receive what has already been provided.

But when it says, find grace, it’s in a sense that you continually come back to this place, and each time you find something that you never found before. When you truly draw nigh to God, you come with expectancy, although you really don’t know what to expect. Your expectancy enables you to access things from God you’ve never experienced before. It’s also important to remember you must choose to come to this throne of grace.

I experienced this many years ago. It was one morning during a time when I had been getting up very early. Sometimes I find that He directs me to read or meditate on the word; other times He gets me up early and He just has me pray.

I was in front of the fireplace, just sitting and getting quiet. At this time in my life, the Lord had been dealing with me about giving up golf. As I sensed His presence in the room, He asked me very simply – would you give up golf to have a more intimate relationship with me?  And my response was immediate; of course I would do that.

Suddenly, it was as if he reached on the inside of me and pulled something out!  Immediately, I realized the desire to golf was gone!

As a result, something even greater took place that was revealed in the days and weeks following this experience. He revealed the reason I enjoyed golf was that it helped me manage my anger. So when He removed the golf, he also took the anger away. I clearly realize now, golf was a means to manage the deeper problem that was rooted in me. He doesn’t want us to simply “manage” anger. He wants to remove it and replace it with joy!

I have found the fullness of joy that comes from the presence of God (Ps. 16:11). Likewise, as you come to the throne of grace, fullness of joy is available to you as well, and in the process, you may also lose something you never realized had become deeply rooted in you.

The more we go to the throne, we realize that He desires to pour Himself into us in a way that causes us to become like Christ. We allow the supernatural work of the Spirit to transform us, and make us more like Christ.

While you’re there, stay there! Access new dimensions of God. As you remain in His presence, He pours Himself into you, imparting and depositing in you spiritual substance that enables you to give to others. Giving to others what He has given to you is true ministry.

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Since Living Word's earliest years, Kent Otey served Living Word in many capacities. In 1983, he joined the staff of Living Word full-time and served in various capacities which included evangelism, singles, counseling, and pastoral care. Kent was licensed and then ordained by Living Word in 1985. In 1996, he became director of Living Word's Missions Outreach.

Led by Kent, LWCC Missions teams travel to other nations and preach and teach the Gospel in hospitals, schools, orphanages, prisons, on the streets, in conferences, and crusades. Since 1996, over 150,000 people in 50 nations have received Christ as a result.

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