“They shall be fat and flourishing” (Ps. 92:14).
This promise in Psalm 92:14 is for faithful and abiding believers. The end result of their consistency is that they will be fat and flourishing.
English words have changed a great deal since the year of our Lord 1611. In our days, fat refers to obesity; it has a connotation of overweight and being out of shape. At the time the King James Bible was written, however, to the English-speaking Christian the word fat meant “blessed with God’s prosperous abundance.”
The original Hebrew word translated fat in this verse is dashen (daw-shane’). Various lexicons define this word as “fresh,” “rich,” “fertile,” “affluent,” “abundant,” “wealthy,” and “satiated.” This promise is an assurance of a fruitful life for those who have been faithful in the house of the Lord. They are also assured a life of consistency and stability. The verse ends in the King James Version with these words: “…they shall be fat and flourishing.”
A look at other translations gives us a wider range of expression: “…they will be fertile and full of growth.” “…always green and strong.” “…fair and desirable.” “…vital and green.” “…full of life and vitality.”
Others translate this phrase: “…they shall still multiply; and continue prosperous.” “…their lives are rich and productive…”
One version reads: “…and even when advanced in years they shall, like tall and sturdy trees, bring forth good fruit for years to come.”
So the Biblical definition of fat is not “corpulent” (body heaviness), but “opulent” (having abundant resources).
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers