The Visit

by Beth Jones | Uncategorized

“…because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.”
(Luke 19:44, NIV)

I marvel at the thought that God visited the planet He made. Think about it. Jesus Christ was God in the flesh and He visited planet Earth. God Almighty humbled Himself and became a man. The Most High God took on a body and came to those He created. God visited man! There was just one problem…

Many didn’t want Him!

Jesus, the Creator of the ends of the Earth, came to His own and they didn’t receive Him! Unbelievable, right? “He came to His own people, but they didn’t want Him. But whoever did want Him, who believed He was who He claimed and would do what He said, He made to be their true selves, their child-of-God selves” (John 1:11-12, The Message).

Yes, Jesus—”Emmanuel, God with us”—was born as a baby in the manger and He couldn’t even get a room at the inn. Jesus was God in the flesh, living in the Middle East, working as a carpenter, kickin’ the dirt He’d used to make Adam—and people were clueless as to His real identity! The King of Kings and Lord of Lords walked among men; He performed miracles, healed the sick, walked on water and yet…many people in that day completely missed or rejected His visit!

The signs were everywhere and they didn’t get it! They did not recognize the time of God coming to them. They missed the day of their visitation! Maybe they were too analytical, philosophical, religious or proud? They must have gotten busy, indifferent, fearful or apathetic. Can you believe it?

Sadly, for some, it’s the same today. God-signs are all over the place and people still miss it! Creation reveals our infinite Creator. Volumes have been written about Jesus. Bibles are easily accessible for the majority of the people on Earth. Millions of Christians give eye-witness accounts of the Jesus Who has saved, healed, mended, blessed and changed their lives. Many tell stories of God’s mercy, protection and miraculous help in their time of trouble.

The Internet gives people instant access to any bit of Jesus-knowledge they desire. Churches offer every style of worship service known to man in an effort to reach out to people. Global headlines confirm—and current events fulfill—predictions God gave us in His Word thousands of years ago. Yet, in spite of all of these things—whether it’s apathy, laziness, indifference, philosophy, religion or hardness of heart—still some have not received or recognized God’s visit to man through Jesus Christ. Sadly, the consequences are eternal.

How about you? Have you recognized God’s presence and visitation in your own life? Have you heard His still small voice? His direction? Have you felt His heart? His compassion? His purpose? Don’t miss out on the time of God coming to you! Recognize and respond to His visits.

Say This:
“Father, I don’t want to be like those who totally missed Your visit. I receive You. Jesus, I invite You into my life to be the Lord of my life. Thank You for Your patience and for forgiving all of my sins. I pray that You help me to know You in a real and fresh way this holiday season. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

Beth Jones Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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In September of 1991, Jeff and Beth Jones founded Valley Family Church. For over 30 years, they have led and pastored VFC with vision and passion to reach people for Christ. In January of 2023, they passed the baton of leadership to their son and daughter-in-law, Eric and Alexa Jones. They now serve as Founding Pastors and provide oversight, counsel and teaching. Pastor Beth also leads The Basics With Beth, an outreach of VFC. Click below to read a letter from our Founding Pastors.

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