The Word for the Day

by Sharah LaGail Wyatt | Uncategorized

Have you ever wanted to be successful? Most likely, you have. Did you know that succeeding in life is an idea from God? His desire is for you to be blessed and to excel in every detail of your life. The Scriptures say that God actually delights and takes great pleasure in seeing you prosper and succeed (Psalm 35.27).

The important thing to know is that true success does not come by just any way we may choose, nor does it come by what the world advertises as sure formulas for success. True blessing, prosperity, and success come only one way – God’s way.

In Exodus 33.11, the Bible records that the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, just as a man speaks to his friend. Moses would listen to the Lord in the Tabernacle and then he would return to the Israelite camp – but his assistant, a young man named Joshua, did not leave the Tabernacle.

Moses would come and go from the presence of the Lord in the Tabernacle as he carried out his assignments from God, but Joshua remained in the Lord’s presence in the Tabernacle. What did Joshua do all that time in the Tabernacle? The Scriptures do not specify what went on while Joshua was in there, but they do give evidence that his attention was on God and upon God’s Ways continually.

When Joshua and eleven other young men from the tribes of Israel went up to survey and spy out the land which God had promised to them, ten of them returned with a report of gloom and doom to the camp. But Joshua and his friend Caleb came back with a report of faith in God’s promise, telling the people that the land was just as God had said and that they were well able to capture it through the Lord’s strength (Num. 13.27-33).

Joshua spent a lot of time listening to God and paying attention to God’s Words. It was because of Joshua’s continual devotion to the Lord that God chose him to be the next leader of Israel after Moses. The Lord said that He selected Joshua to be the one who would lead Israel into their inheritance. (Deut. 1:35-38)

When Joshua was entering his new command of leadership, the Lord instructed him: “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” (Josh. 1.8).

Joshua experienced prosperity and great success throughout his entire life:

  1. The Lord parted the Jordan River for him so that the Israelites could cross over on dry ground. 
  2. The walls of Jericho fell simply by marching around it and praising God.
  3. Joshua spoke and the sun stood still in the sky and did not go down for a whole day so that the Israelites could continue the battle and defeat their enemies.
  4. Joshua himself received his own property in the promised land and enjoyed a long, healthy life.

All this came about because Joshua studied God’s Word and kept it on his mind day and night – everyday. He focused on God’s Word every day and endeavoured to do (obey) all that he saw in God’s Word. Just as God promised, Joshua experienced prosperity and good success because everyday he lived by God’s Word.

This instruction from the Lord was not just for Joshua. It is an instruction for us as well. Everyday we should study God’s Word, meditate upon His Word, and obey His Word. God’s Word contains what we need to experience blessing and success.

It is important to keep God’s Word before our eyes everyday. Proverbs 4.20-22 says: “My son, give attention to My Words; incline your ear to My sayings; do not let them depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart; for they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh.”

When we give attention to God’s Words, listen to what He has to say, and keep His Word in front of our eyes and in our heart, His Words will produce life, health, and success in us.

Talking to God and listening to Him everyday is the best way to succeed in anything. We can listen to God in prayer through the Holy Spirit speaking to us, and we can also listen to God through His Word – the Bible.

A good way to keep God’s Word before our eyes is to read at least one chapter of the New Testament everyday. You can start with Matthew 1 and read a chapter each day all the way through to Revelation 22. Having a set chapter to read each day and studying God’s Word systematically can help us to store up His Word in our heart. When the Word of God gets down inside us, the Lord can use the Word we’ve learned to guide us and help us to make right decisions. Just as the Lord told Joshua to think on the Book of the Law (God’s Word) day and night, the Lord also instructs us to think on and obey His Word all day long.

If you have not been reading your Bible each day, it is wise and very beneficial to start now by daily reading a chapter from God’s Success Book – His Word. It is the only way to have real success.

God’s Word is not just for church on Sunday, His Word is The Word for the Day – every day.

First Love Ministries International aka FERVOUR
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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Sharah LaGail Wyatt is Founder and President of First Love Ministries International aka FERVOUR (based in Fort Worth, Texas), with an extensive background in the fine and performing arts and in ministry. She is a member of the International Convention of Faith Ministries (ICFM). As an anointed teacher, writer/author, graphic artist, musician and composer, she desires to lead people of all ages into the presence of God and into developing a lifestyle of faith, worship and intimacy with Him.

Sharah has authored numerous articles on topics including prayer, holiness/purity, wisdom, faith, love, worship, healing/restoration and living in Christ. She is also the author of several books including: In His Presence: the meaning of true worship (2004), In Christ You Stand (2008), I Will: activating the master switch of the soul (2008). Her monthly ministry publication (newsletter), first published in 2005, is currently distributed in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, East Africa, West Africa, Argentina, Pakistan, India, Singapore, and the Philippines. Her young adult publication, FERVOUR, is distributed quarterly.

The official Website of First Love Ministries International, (launched in 2006), features a full Study Centre exhibiting numerous Online Articles written by Sharah LaGail Wyatt, along with a topical Question & Answer section also compiled by the author. The website continues to receive recurrent visits from more than 60 nations on six continents.

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