Time For A New Thing

by Tim Burt | Featured Devotions

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. (Isa. 43:18-19)

There are many reasons people love America. One is because it stands as a place of hope. People who come to our country have heard that “in America, anything is possible.” They have heard, “in America, anyone has the opportunity to achieve success.”

America also stands for freedom and liberty; and obviously, there are many other things we could write about. But today as we approach this New Year, I would like to focus on hope.

A Fresh Start Awaits
People see our country as a place of hope. For those of us who have been born in and lived in this country all our lives, this powerful word has possibly become dull to us. To someone who has come to this country from another—especially if the place they came from was in turmoil—this land of hope means great things to them.

It mostly means the opportunity for a fresh start exists here…the opportunity to create a new life and succeed in a supportive atmosphere.

To anyone who is a Christian, this should be one of the most empowering and ongoing truths of our lives. As is says in 2 Corinthians:

When someone becomes a Christian, he becomes a brand new person inside. He is not the same anymore. A new life has begun! All these new things are from God who brought us back to Himself through what Christ Jesus did….
(2 Cor 5:17-18 TLB)

God is telling us that He is the one who has the power and ability to make our lives new. In fact, God can give us more than a fresh start, He can give us a new start.

Rom 12:2 NKJV uses the word “transformed” which comes from the word metamorphose. Analogous of a caterpillar transformed to a butterfly, it means to be transfigured or completely changed. The verse says, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind….”

There CAN BE a powerful work of the Holy Spirit available within those who have received Jesus as their Savior. In other words, He can be at work within us. Romans 8:11 says,

And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you.

Are you catching the strength and power of this verse? It is the source for all hope—for all our ongoing hope!

The Same Spirit
It says that it is the same Spirit that brought Jesus Christ from the grave and resurrected Him to the Father that is also at work within us! The question is; is He at work in us? He is only if we engage in these promises by faith.

The devil would like to have us think that we are helpless creatures—that we can’t change, can’t overcome our flesh, and that we can’t accomplish God-given dreams in our hearts because we are inept or incapable.

What a lie from the pit! What we accomplish isn’t about what we accomplish. What we accomplish is about what God accomplishes through us.

Our beginning verse says,

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.

God wants to do a new thing in us.

If you were to go to the chapter where these verses are written you would see that for many this wasn’t be true because they didn’t know their God; they didn’t know of His desire to work in and through them. These were the same people who don’t praise Him for who He is.

A Fresh Start
How about you? Do you know your God? Do you know His will for your life? Did you know that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is the power that CAN BE at work through you by faith?

To me this always creates and renews great hope. I have watched God transform my life little by little over the past 24 years and it has been nothing short of miraculous.

I won’t let it stop now. I am praying and thinking about this New Year and a fresh start to things I know God has been dealing with me about. The New Year represents a new start to a New Year. I believe it is part of God’s doing to help us think new and afresh.

Just remember that as a Christian, you don’t fall into the same category as the world. You have the transforming power of God available within you.

Because of that, I pray next year will be your best yet!

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Timothy Burt is a pastor, author, and writer. He is best known as the author of Fresh Manna, a daily devotional and online Bible study.

Pastor Tim became a part of the leadership team at Living Word Christian Center in 1984 and was an Associate Pastor from 1989 until May 31st, 2017. He and His wife Renee, also a Pastor at Living Word, resigned after being a part of Living Word for 33 years on May 31, 2017. They felt impressed by God to pursue the tremendous growth of their ministry "Fresh Manna," as well as teaching conferences and seminars and increasing their involvement in the mission field through Tim and Renee Burt Ministries. Tim has a Bachelor of Theology degree and is a Christian blogger who has been writing a daily inspirational and teaching devotion three days a week called "Fresh Manna" for the past 22 years. It has been read in over 227 countries (official countries and territories). Tim was named one of the top 55 blogging Pastors. He is one of the top Social Media influencers in Minnesota with a strong presence on Twitter at https://twitter.com/TimBurt with over 187,000 followers. Between Tim's Fresh Manna Devotional and Twitter influence, he virally averages reaching over 4 million people daily with the gospel of Jesus Christ and the love of God.

Prior to working at LWCC, he worked at Northwest Airlines for 13 years. In 1985 he founded and was President of American Infant Care Products which marketed his patented invention, the first fold-down commercial infant changing table now used worldwide in public restrooms.

In their tenure at Living Word, Timothy Burt and his wife Renee created a Small Group Ministry when the church was about 800 people in size. Under the leadership of Sr. Pastors Mac and Lynne Hammond, the church grew to over 10,000 people. Pastor Tim and Renee led a diverse Small Group Ministry of over 200 groups. Tim also led weekly men's groups and a monthly Men's Breakfast of 250 plus men called Manhood for 27 years. Tim's responsibilities also included oversight over the Visitor and Member Relations Department, Leadership and Volunteer Development, and the Pastoral Care Department. Pastor Tim was also the Minnesota State Director of Christians United for Israel from 2006 thru 2017.

Tim and Renee are the parents of four children and have seven grandchildren. Tim loves to write, golf, run, and walk, and is a master gardener. He is a five-time marathon finisher. He is also a three-time award-winning gardener winning the Grand Prize in his city for his beautiful home garden and is a Master Gardener for the University of Minnesota's Master Gardener Extension Program.

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