To Trick or Treat? – Or Not?

by Mark Harper | Uncategorized

Pumpkins rowIt’s that time of year when Christian parents are compelled to make a decision.

Do I let my kids go trick or treating on October 31?

Many believers see Halloween as the devil’s holiday.

Others see it as a fun community event.

My advice is that you follow your own convictions.

Do what you believe is best for your family and try to not judge other parents that may have a different opinion.

Here is a radical idea.

Give your kids a choice.

At some point though I feel that you should include your kids in this decision.

Do they want to go trick or treating or do they want to go to the party at church?

Personally, I did not let my kids go trick or treating.

As a Kids Pastor I organized a Halloween Alternative at church every year and my children helped me with all the hard work.

When my son turned thirteen he asked if he go trick or treating.

I could not believe what I was hearing.

I felt like it was a total betrayal.

I wanted to say NO, but I could see that this was something that he never had done and he wanted to have the experience.

After thinking about it I realized that it wasn’t that big of a deal.

It’s not a like demons are going to possess my son because he dressed up like Darth Vader.

My point is simply this.

To go trick or treating or not is not that big of a deal.

It’s not a sin issue.

WE can’t make all of the decisions for our kids.

We need to allow them to make some decisions when they reach the age of accountability.

Trust me on this. Overprotective parenting doesn’t work.

You either cripple your kids emotionally or they end of rebelling.

That’s my two cents on trick or treating.

Copyright © Mark Harper Ministries

All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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Pastor and Leadership Coach, Mark Harper has 35 years of experience in the local church. He is the creator of the Super Church 2.0 Curriculum, which is used in over 5,000 churches worldwide. The focus of Mark's ministry is helping leaders build strong churches and helping parents build strong families. Not only has Mark served in the local church as pastor, associate pastor, and family ministry pastor but he is also a certified coach with the John Maxwell Team. He also recently released the Amazon Best Selling book The Red Book: The Lifeblood of Children's Ministry.

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