Victory Through Our Lord Jesus Christ

by Billy Joe Daugherty | Uncategorized

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory
through our Lord Jesus Christ.

(1 Corinthians 15:57)

Instill this mighty truth into your heart, soul, and body: You have victory through Jesus Christ! Yes, victory has been given to you. That means you have total and complete victory in every area of your life and over all the power of the adversary.

You have absolute victory in Jesus Christ. Victory is a gift you receive in Him the moment you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Think it, dream it, talk it, and you will live it.

The Word of God is filled with promises guaranteeing God’s help and provision for you. As you continually fill your mind with these blessings, you will rise up and walk in the realm of victory. Victory is already yours; you don’t have to try and get it. You already have it! The knowledge of the truth sets you free from the limitations of your old life. You are liberated to walk in the light of the new creation.

Your victory is not dependent upon educational degrees, Sunday school certificates, or perfect attendance at worship services. Victory is yours because of what Jesus has done. The work of redemption was completed through His suffering, His death, and His resurrection. “The work” is finished. The thing for you to do is believe it. Just consider that it is done.

Continual confession of what you have in Christ builds a fortress in your mind. It establishes a pattern of response to situations and circumstances. God performs His Word (Jer. 1:12), so speak the Word and watch Him perform it in your life.


I have victory through Christ. Everything I do is successful through Jesus. God gives me victory everywhere I go. I cannot lose for I have victory through my Lord Jesus Christ.

Source: 101 Days of Absolute Victory by Billy Joe Daugherty
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers

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Billy Joe Daugherty was founder and pastor of Victory Christian Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was also the founder of Victory Christian School, Victory Bible Institute and Victory World Missions Training Center. Five hundred twenty-three Victory Bible Institutes have been started in eighty-five countries around the world. He inspired individuals and ministries with his life, love and influence for more than 30 years.

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