Walking in Supernatural Hope

by Keith Butler | The Anointed Word

“Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be” (Rom 4:18).

In the absence of all natural hope, Abraham continued to believe. How did he do that? He had the promise. He had the Word of God. God told him that he would have a son. So his name must be changed from Abram to Abraham, meaning father of a great multitude.

Well, if you are going to receive what Jesus has done for you, seed of Abraham, then you must first find out what the Word says on the subject. Then every time you run up against something, you must read what God said about it. Do it even when all natural hope is gone. This is how you will find supernatural hope from the Word when natural hope is gone.

Don’t consider the circumstance. Don’t consider the bankbook. Don’t consider the doctor’s report. Don’t consider what people say, because people talk junk all the time. But they don’t have any authority behind it. Jesus gave the authority to you.

Don’t be shaken by what you are looking at. Don’t allow it to get to you. Be strong in faith and prove it by giving God the glory that your need is already met. Give God the glory that you are blessed in the city and blessed in the field. Praise God that all your needs are met. Praise is an expression of faith in God.

Praising God builds your faith. Praising God shuts the devil’s mouth. Praising God causes others to praise God too. When you praise God you cannot lose. The devil has to run, because he gets confused.

So, never forget who you are. Through faith in Jesus you are the one who possesses the enemy’s gate. You are the one through whom all families of the earth shall be blessed, as you share the good news that the price has already been paid.

You have the message of reconciliation, which is that God was in Christ restoring the world to favor with himself. He is not counting against men their trespasses, but has cancelled them, and committed to us the word of reconciliation to favor with God.

Abraham received his miracle – a son. And when you operate in supernatural hope, you shall see your miracle as well.

Keith Butler Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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