Walking In The Light Of Life

by Kenneth E. Hagin | Faith Food Devotions

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12).

I began to see some truths about eternal life before our children were born. And I believed by the grace of God that I could walk in the light of eternal life. (If God tells me in His Word I can, then I can.)

I knew walking in the light of eternal life would affect my children, and so I could predict how they would turn out. I also predicted how some of the babies born in our church around the same time would turn out. I could do that because I knew what sort of light their parents were walking in and how that would affect the children. I was right one hundred percent of the time.

People can have eternal life, but if they don’t walk in the light of it, developing themselves – if they don’t take advantage of that life and nature – things won’t turn out right in their lives. We have eternal life, but we have to appropriate it. We have to walk in the light of it.

Children should have the privilege of being born into homes where eternal life and the love of God are present. I’ve observed how children whose parents have this life and walk in the light of it respond to religious training.

Such children have a fineness of spirit others do not have. They are easier to discipline, and they have keener intellects. Teenagers who receive eternal life and allow that life to dominate them are more mentally efficient afterwards than they were before they were saved.

Confession: God’s life is in me. That life is in the light, and it affects my development. I walk in the light of it. It affects my home!

Source: Faith Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin.

Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications

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