Many believers have the attitude that once they are born again they have escaped becoming a target for the enemy, but they have not. To understand this situation, let me have you think on this example for a moment.
When a wild animal is born in the forest, the job of the parents is to protect and feed this newborn creature during every moment of its very early existence. The forest is filled with nourishment as well as predators waiting for an opportunity to take advantage of the carelessness of the parents or the curiousness of the newborn.
Many may say, “It’s a jungle out there,” but in reality it is just warfare in the day-to-day lifestyle in the animal kingdom. This example graphically depicts the life of the Christian from the spiritual point of view.
Because of Adam’s transgression (Gen. 3:17), the world has been cursed, and with it, man and woman, making it in many ways a jungle. Remember, whenever you see the word “curse,” you must put into your mind that it means nothing good at all. However, as believers, we are redeemed from that curse by the blood of Jesus.
Christ hath redeemed us (brought us out of and) from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: “for it is written, cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith” (Gal. 3:13-14).
As a believer, you are no longer under a curse. You are blessed (fortunate, one to be envied).
Jesus Christ became that curse and died on the cross for the sins of the whole world. But even though Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world, that did not take away the curse for the entire world.
It was only for those living in the world who accept His sacrifice on the cross (tree). This means we must day-in and day-out deal with those of the world still under the influence of the curse, even though we are personally redeemed from the curse of this world.
You and I have been given weapons to win the battle against the enemy in the jungle out there. It’s up to us to learn how to deploy the weapons we have been given by God. Where do we discover these spiritual weapons?
In the Bible. Read it today.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers
Dr. Shorter is the pastor and founder of Pacific Christian Center Church, a vibrant, growing, non-denominational church in Tacoma, Washington. Leaving his successful secular radio and television broadcasting career as a television host on the Seattle, Washington ABC affiliates, Dr. Donald Shorter Sr. founded Pacific Christian Center Church in January of 1987 with his four family as the only members.
Construction on their new state of the art worship center was completed in August 2002, and the church has expanded to three locations in three Washington state cities.
Dr. Shorter received his Masters in Business Administration in 1993, and his Doctorate of Ministry in 1999. He is presently completing his PhD. Dr. Shorter is an Instrument and Multi-Engine aircraft pilot, of both airplanes and helicopters, and is affectionately known as "The Flying Pastor." He regularly pilots various aircraft to services each week.
He has served on numerous boards throughout the past 15 years as well as currently serving on the Board of Directors of the Fellowship of Inner-City Word of Faith Ministries, a worldwide pastors and minister's accountability organization. It is under this organization that he served as the Region One Director, which comprised fellowship churches in the states of Washington, Oregon, Alaska, and areas of Northern California. He is actively involved in FICWFM Foreign Outreach Missions including to the continent of Africa.
Dr. Shorter met the former Kathy Lynette Hill while attending Clover Park High School in Lakewood, Washington. They were married in July of 1974, and have three children.
Today, he and his wife minister the Word of Faith through Pacific Christian Center Church's worldwide ministry.