What Have You Heard About Jesus?

by Deborah Butler | The Anointed Word

“When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment” (Mark 5:27).

I want you to think very carefully about this question: What have you heard about Jesus? Do you know that what we hear is in direct relation to what we say? That’s why it’s important for us to watch what we hear.

Verse twenty-seven says, “When she heard of Jesus,” she went about to touch him. Now, again, what have you heard? And are you touching Jesus or are you reaching out to touch the world? The word “touch” means to attach oneself to or come in contact with. In other words, when she heard of the works of Jesus – that He was the healer – she attached herself to that word.

Now, I believe we should super glue ourselves to God’s Word. Some of us have come in contact with the Word but we haven’t truly attached ourselves to it. This woman heard all the things Jesus did for the people, and she attached herself to the Word of God by saying something.

Now, here is another question: What are you saying?

First, this woman heard and then she said repeatedly, “if I attach myself to Him I will be healed; if I attach myself to Him I will be healed.” When she touched Him that issue of blood had to stop. The Bible said it dried up. In other words, it couldn’t exist anymore. Any sickness or disease that comes up against the anointing of the Word has to die.

When Satan tries to throw symptoms at you, tell him, “Oh no, that has to go!” But we get tripped up when the symptoms don’t go immediately. Remember, symptoms start in your head first, so you can take authority over them and attack them with the Word of God – eventually they have to go because they can’t stay.

Sometimes we say, “Well I guess it didn’t work.” What didn’t work? What are you listening to? Haven’t you heard that Jesus is the healer? He doesn’t want you sick. What are you saying? Don’t accept the lies of the devil. Attach yourself to the Word of God.

As believers, you and I can’t just passively accept sickness. We have to do something when symptoms of sickness and disease show up. So, guard what you hear. Say what the Word of God says about your healing. Attach yourself to the Word. And remember God wants you to walk in divine health.

Scripture References: Mark 5:25-34; Romans 10:17; Mark 4:24

Keith Butler Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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