What in the World Is Happening?

by Kent Otey | Articles, Evangelism

A few years ago, I was ministering with a missions team in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Much of our ministry focus was to the Muslim people living in remote villages of this spiritually impoverished nation. It was amazing to see such profound hunger for God in the hearts of the people there.

More than 1,200 Muslims gave their hearts to Christ during ten days of ministry! It seems everywhere our teams travel, we witness this same spiritual hunger in the hearts of the people. The increasing number of natural tragedies—earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, etc.—is certainly a contributing factor, as people in every culture are desperate to find peace and freedom from fear in a world plagued by disasters.

In reality, most people believe in God, but have no understanding of how to develop and maintain an intimate relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. Many have been under the control of “religions” that use fear to control and oppress them. As I travel the world, my experience has been that these religious strongholds are beginning to crumble and reports of mass conversions to Christianity are numerable. Reports are not only generated in the Christian community, but reported by the secular media and press throughout Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist regions of the world.

Recently, while in Northern Ireland, I was astonished at the openness of the people to the Gospel. Most people I met on the streets had some knowledge of the Bible, as a result of residing in the “Protestant” part of Ireland and attending church there. They seemed quite eager to discuss scripture openly, and nearly every person I talked to opened his or her heart to the Gospel and received Jesus as Lord and Savior!

Even though most had knowledge of the Bible, to my surprise, almost none had a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. They knew about God, but didn’t know Him intimately and personally!

Have you ever wondered what really causes people to turn their hearts to God in the midst of disaster and oppression? Why do they call out to a God in whom they have no knowledge? I believe the answer is simple and can be found within the pages of the Bible, which truly is God’s book of promises to mankind.

Scripture tells us in Jeremiah 33:3, “Ask Me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come” (NLT). You see, in the heart of every person is the belief that there is power released through prayer that will bring about a change in life, otherwise people would not pray!

Every culture known to mankind uses a form of “prayer” to communicate with God. Sadly, most “gods” petitioned in prayer and worshipped by mankind are powerless to bring meaningful change to anyone’s life. Only Jesus boldly professed to have that power!

Jesus said in Matthew 28:18, “All authority (all power of rule) in heaven and on earth, has been given to Me” (AMP). The Gospels are the books written by men, eyewitnesses of this power in demonstration—healings and miracles too numerous to record, power over death, power over natural forces such as wind and rain, power over demons and spiritual forces, none of which can be refuted.

Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius—none of the great philosophers or spiritual leaders of world religions have dared to profess having this power, because quite frankly, life-changing power is not human or natural, but rather supernatural and given by the One true and living God!

Certainly there are occasional demonstrations of demonic power, which always result in some form of control and bondage: sickness, disease, oppression, possession, etc. The power of God, on the other hand, always results in liberty and freedom from control and bondage: healings, miracles, deliverance, etc. We serve a God that loves us and releases His power and authority to bless us and give us purpose in life!

The truth that ignites a fire in me is found in 2 Corinthians 5:17-18, “Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away and all things are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to Himself by Christ Jesus, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation” (KJV).

If you are “in Christ,” you have received Him in your heart as your personal Lord and Savior, and according to God’s Word, you are a new creature. The power of God has changed you; He has empowered you to bring others into harmony with Him. Another translation refers to us as “ambassadors for Christ.”

He not only gives us blessing and purpose in life, but gives us power and authority to bless and empower others as His ambassadors! I encourage you to read Mark 16:15-20 in your free time. As believers, we have been given power and authority over demons, the power to speak with other tongues, to heal the sick, and so on.

Scripture reveals He sent His disciples out to share what they had freely received from Him. Signs and wonders accompanied them everywhere they went as they ministered to the people.

What a privilege it is to be in His service, to bring others into harmony with Him and to be used of God as an agent of change in the world today. His power will be in demonstration through you, as it was in the lives of His disciples as you obey His command to go and preach the Gospel in all the world!

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Since Living Word's earliest years, Kent Otey served Living Word in many capacities. In 1983, he joined the staff of Living Word full-time and served in various capacities which included evangelism, singles, counseling, and pastoral care. Kent was licensed and then ordained by Living Word in 1985. In 1996, he became director of Living Word's Missions Outreach.

Led by Kent, LWCC Missions teams travel to other nations and preach and teach the Gospel in hospitals, schools, orphanages, prisons, on the streets, in conferences, and crusades. Since 1996, over 150,000 people in 50 nations have received Christ as a result.

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