I’ve heard it said that grace is the power to do God’s will and the force that sustains us on the inside while things are being accomplished on the outside. While we’re reaching out in faith, we need a substance on the inside to sustain us while we wait for the outward things to come to pass – that substance, that divine force, is grace.
We need to have the grace of God upholding us, energizing and moving in our lives. We must rely on grace, but we cannot back off from our faith and become lazy. Faith must be maintained, nurtured and strengthened by continuing in the Word daily.
It has always bothered me when people imply faith is a movement. They ask, “Were you involved in the faith movement?” Excuse me? Faith is not a movement. Faith is something we must have all the time.
To say faith is a movement is like saying the church went through a salvation movement. The church didn’t go through a salvation movement. Salvation is one of the fundamental truths of the church. It’s not a movement. It’s something that is to be taught all the time.
Salvation is something we cannot live without. We can’t enter heaven without salvation. Salvation is required in order to live our everlasting life in the kingdom and presence of God. And, in order to receive salvation, grace and faith are required (Eph. 2:8).
So if we are saved by grace through faith, don’t you think faith and grace are vitally important? Salvation, faith and grace are never movements – they are foundational truths.
Here’s the way things were. At one time man was not able to be saved. At one time salvation was not even available. There was a time, before Jesus died on the cross and before He was resurrected, that salvation and the infilling of the Holy Spirit was not available to just anybody that wanted it. But now it is available. He’s available. How did that all come about? Here’s what happened.
When Jesus came up out of the grave, He defeated sin and death. He became the Head of the church and made a way for us to be members of His body. “But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep” (1 Cor. 15:20).
Jesus was the Son of God, and Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus was all God and He was all man. The reality is, Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection made the way whereby we can be saved. He had to lead the way. When we follow Him, we can be born into the kingdom, also.
But, here’s the key: we’re born into the kingdom because of grace and by grace. There is nothing we can do to save ourselves; it’s all by what He’s done. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Eph. 2:8-9).
Verse eight tells us grace is a gift. It’s not by works. We don’t. In fact, we cannot earn it. It’s not because of our great effort. Why? So we can’t boast in it. We cannot boast about being saved because we did it. Why? Because we didn’t do it. There’s nothing we’ve done or could do that’s good enough, that’s powerful enough to get us saved. Nothing we can do can save us. We can do all things through Christ and because of grace, through faith, we can be saved.
Being saved through faith means we believe what God said in His Word about salvation. We believe everything He says about it and we accept it. We don’t see it, but we accept it by faith. Salvation is given to us by the grace of God. Grace is God empowering us to do the impossible. It’s impossible for us to pass from death to life; it’s impossible for us to be born a second time! He gives us the inward power to do what we can’t do.
Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” We could say, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me to do all things.” Look at what Jesus said. “Jesus said to him, ‘If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes'” (Mark 9:23).
But how are they possible? They are possible through grace. Again, what is grace? Grace is that power God gives us to do those things He wants done that we cannot do under our own power.
The most well known definition of grace is this: unmerited favor. Is that what grace is? Yes, it is God’s unmerited favor, but it is so much more. He gives us grace so we can do what He wants done.
Grace is God making a deposit in us of His very own power and ability. It does something in us and enables us to do those things that normally we couldn’t do.
So, when we’re saved, we’re saved by grace. Nothing we can do can get us saved. We can get cleaned up, dress up, and go to church every day. We can do our best to follow the Ten Commandments and every rule our church and denomination has in their bylaws. But our actions and attempts will not save us.
We cannot get good enough to be saved. How then do we get saved? By God’s grace. God empowers us. God gives us the grace (the ability) through faith (by believing) in Jesus to get saved. So, it is by grace that we are born again.
Again, grace is God making a deposit in us of His very own power and ability so that we can do what He wants done.
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