Whatever It Takes

by Scott Sibinski | Uncategorized

Teenagers, you need to know that there is a constant battle between your flesh and your spirit. It’s totally up to you to make the decision of which of the two should rule over you. Do you want your flesh to rule in your life?

Or do you want your spirit to rule in your life?

The United States is currently facing a war against terrorism and it is as real as the war between your flesh and your spirit. You need to make the decision—will you follow after God or will you follow after the devil?

Some people simply follow after the devil, thinking that it’s fun and there won’t be any penalties in life because of it. But let’s think about that for a minute.

The Bible says that sin is fun for a season. Hello? Initially sin is going to look very enticing; it’s going to look like the best decision. It’s going to look like the one that’s the most fun and the most entertaining.

Hey, it looks like sin is the plan that just plain rocks…. (But we know the path that rocks, don’t we?)

The bottom line is, sin is only fun for a season. The true path that rocks is God’s plan for our life.

Let’s look at this simple scripture:

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 5:3 NKJV).

Now think about that for a moment. If someone is poor, they’re going to do whatever it takes to put food on the table. If you have a poor family of five and the father is trying to find a job, he’s going to do whatever it takes to make sure that his family members, his wife and his three kids are fed.

Right? It doesn’t matter to him; he’ll do whatever it takes to put food on the table.

Teenagers, we need to take that same stand in our lives; we need to come to that same point of desperation where we want to do whatever it takes to get before the presence of God.

We need to get to know God on a more intimate level. Why? Because it will lead to the power of God in your life! And THAT will change the world around you!

Are you willing to do whatever it takes?

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Scott, a native of Minneapolis, Minnesota grew up with a passion for playing drums. By the time he was 17, he had played with several Christian bands and once had the opportunity to tour with Whiteheart... however, it was turned down because God had better plans!

God's better plans included marriage to his wife, Heather, becoming a student at North Hennepin Community College, and subsequently moving to Tulsa, Oklahoma for two years of Bible school at Rhema Bible Training Center. Scott's two year training included an emphasis in youth ministry.

After graduation, Pastor Scott served on staff at Living Word Christian Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Pastor Mac Hammond) under youth pastor Steve Munds.

Scott's vision is to teach and preach the uncompromised Word of God by precept and example; to disciple others into a position of leadership that they can take with them throughout their life.

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