What’s for Dinner?

by Scott Sibinski | Uncategorized

God has so much for us; we’ve got to pull from Him daily because He has daily meals for us to partake of. We cannot afford to let our spirit shrink by not feeding ourselves. Say this out loud: “I will not allow my spirit to shrink!”

And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.
(John 6:35 KJV)

Let’s take a closer look at that verse. In the first part it says, “Jesus said to them, I am the bread of Life.” And then, “he who comes to Me shall never hunger.”

We HAVE to come to God. The Bible says that when we draw nigh unto God, then and only then will he draw nigh unto us.

We’ve got to pull from God. He’s got something for us today, but we’ve got to make the first move before He can make His.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
(Matt. 5:6 NIV)

Yes, if you hunger you’ll be filled! But beware of spiritual eating disorders, such as:

  1. You become spiritually anorexic. You don’t pray or read the Bible and your spirit man starves away to nothing.
  2. You become spiritually bulimic. This is when you binge on the Word and prayer on Wednesdays and Sundays then you purge it out by living worldly the rest of the week. (In other words, you’re playing church.)
  3. You’re a spiritual junk food junkie. Your flesh has become fat and lazy and lethargic because you only eat the things that you have no spiritual nutrition (TV, movies, secular music, etc.).

We’ve got to get rid of those things in our life. We must not be a youth group or a church body that has any type of spiritual eating disorders.

God is good all the time and all the time—God is so good! So go before Him and receive something good to eat from Him all the time.

I want to be filled up with God! I don’t know about you guys, but I want everything that He has for me!

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Scott, a native of Minneapolis, Minnesota grew up with a passion for playing drums. By the time he was 17, he had played with several Christian bands and once had the opportunity to tour with Whiteheart... however, it was turned down because God had better plans!

God's better plans included marriage to his wife, Heather, becoming a student at North Hennepin Community College, and subsequently moving to Tulsa, Oklahoma for two years of Bible school at Rhema Bible Training Center. Scott's two year training included an emphasis in youth ministry.

After graduation, Pastor Scott served on staff at Living Word Christian Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Pastor Mac Hammond) under youth pastor Steve Munds.

Scott's vision is to teach and preach the uncompromised Word of God by precept and example; to disciple others into a position of leadership that they can take with them throughout their life.

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