I spent six years working in a “regular job” before I became a full-time pastor. Elisha spent several years being a helper to Elijah before he began his full-time ministry.
If you are called to a full-time pulpit ministry, yet are in a regular job right now, learn all you can about people and be grateful for the opportunity.
Answering the question, “Who’s the Boss?” greatly affects your efforts at work. Just imagine. Mark, an office worker, in Miami, who goes to work early Monday morning. He doesn’t feel particularly spiritual at the moment, but he is cognizant of this one fact: Jesus is his boss.
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I spent six years working in a “regular job” before I became a full-time pastor. Elisha spent several years being a helper to Elijah before he began his full-time ministry.
If you are called to a full-time pulpit ministry, yet are in a regular job right now, learn all you can about people and be grateful for the opportunity.
Answering the question, “Who’s the Boss?” greatly affects your efforts at work. Just imagine. Mark, an office worker, in Miami, who goes to work early Monday morning. He doesn’t feel particularly spiritual at the moment, but he is cognizant of this one fact: Jesus is his boss.
It doesn’t matter who his flesh and blood boss is, because Mark knows he’s really working for Jesus. Mark arrives with a smile on his face, a positive can-do attitude, and a desire to give a full day’s work. Compare that to some of Mark’s non-Christian co-workers. They drag in very tired. Maybe they partied over the weekend and were up late. They are possibly holding a grudge against their boss about something, and they do just enough to get by. Those who work in the same company day after day will soon see a difference in Mark that is almost as contrasting as the difference between day and night (even if they aren’t Christians).
Write it down, circle it, and put it on your mirror, “I work for Jesus. Jesus is my boss.” Wherever you work, your boss, according to the Word of God, is Jesus.
I remember a leadership meeting we had in church years ago. We had a handout for our leaders. One of the questions was, “What is one of the biggest temptations that comes to your mind concerning your ministry?” The most common answer given went like this: “Does what I do really matter?” “Is what I’m doing really important, or am I making a difference?” “Does anyone really care?” If people can feel this way about church work, imagine how they are likely to feel on the job. A pastor would readily answer “yes” to the above questions because we understand that any function a person has is important to the overall good of the church.
Jesus also answers “yes” to whether your secular job is important. I realize some people have greater potential than others, and we should further our education and aim for the best possible job with our skills and abilities. However, that’s not enough. You know people who have a good education (maybe you are one of them), and yet they ask the same question, “Does what I do really matter?” and “Does anyone really care?”
To Jesus there are no insignificant jobs. You may be a baker and go to work very early in the morning and often wonder if what you do really matters. Every job you do is important to the Lord. Never does God say, “Just get by on this job, and when you obtain a “more significant” job, then what you do will really count.” It’s what you do where you’re at now that matters.
There is a most important truth from the Bible that applies to one’s efforts at unimportant tasks. This truth gets right to the core of the matter and explains why some people are not being promoted by God or their employer. Jesus said, “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much.” (Luke 16:10) This is an absolute statement of truth. Let’s apply that statement to work. The way one does their unimportant (least) job is the same way they will do an important job (much).
Even though I knew I would pastor some day, I believe a major reason I’m pastoring now and the Lord led me to write this book is because I was faithful to do my best work at the athletic club.
It happens all too frequently that a person is not diligent doing a “lesser” job; and at the same time says, “If only I had a different job, I would really put forth my best effort.” That person may do a decent job for a short time; but give them enough time, and they will hang themselves and will prove the absolute truthfulness of Jesus’ statement.