- Fear only sees the mountain. Faith sees the mountain mover.
- Fear always sees the problem. Faith only sees the promise.
- Fear says, “Your dreams will never come true.” Faith says, “My God is the Dream Maker, and my dreams will come true.”
- Fear always says, “No.” Faith says, “Yes.”
- Fear always sees God’s fist clenched tightly. Faith always sees God’s hand open.Fear always sees God’s hand withdrawn. Faith always sees God’s hand extended.
- Fear always says, “Give up.” Faith says, “Never give up.”
- Fear says, “Quit.” Faith says, “Don’t quit.”
- Fear says, “You can’t make it.” But Faith says, “You’re going to make it!”
- Fear says, “You’re sick, your dream of being healed will never come to pass.” Faith says, “By His stripes I am healed.”
Fear cannot exist in the presence of faith. The greatest antagonist that fear has is faith.
I made this statement some time ago, “You are only as big as your dreams!” You are not any bigger. You never excel past your dreams. Everything starts with a thought.
Think defeat, and you’ve got it. Think fear, and you’ve got it. Think that you will never become a winner, and you’ve got it. Think that your dreams will never come true, and you’ve got it. That’s fear. Fear is faith in reverse.
It is not your circumstances that have you where you are, it is your choices. You are only as big as your dreams, but you are as small as your fears. Fear is a dream crusher! It is a dasher of hope.
It reduces your life to the mundane and the status quo. It allows you to “go with the flow.” Fear makes you think that you have got to go with the times, and whatever is happening, you dare not go against the stream.
Unfortunately, in the Body of Christ, too many people are bogged down in a quagmire of defeatism, much like the majority who came back to Moses and said, “The land is filled with giants, and we are but grasshoppers in their sight.”
But our faith is like the faith of Caleb and Joshua, who said, “It is true what they say, except we are well able to take the land.”
The problem with all of this is the business about infinity. That is enough to scare anybody. You know what infinity is? Infinity is, “out there.” It is up there, and out there, and beyond there. Do you want to hang “out there”? Do you want to be catapulted in your spiritual cosmic ship “out there”?
Now here is the risk: If I go “out there,” where I can’t see, I might fall, and I would be embarrassed. The phrase has been coined, “No pain, no gain.” No risk, no reward.
So what I have got to figure out is, do I or don’t I? I want my dreams to come true. I want to reach America for God. We want to do this…we want to do that…we want our kids saved, we want our fortunes turned around. We want all of these dreams to come true.
But are we willing to take the risk?
Hold On to Your Dreams by Dwight Thompson
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Dwight Thompson has become one of the most powerful evangelists of our time. Known worldwide for his legendary ability to captivate and move an audience, he has devoted his ministry to touching the lives of all those who are lost and hurting with a message of hope, found through salvation and deliverance in Jesus Christ.
The elements that make his message unforgettable include humor, compassion, deeply rooted Biblical convictions, and unique ways of illustrating the meaning of Scriptural phrases, parables, and promises.
Dwight has traveled around the world as an evangelist, preaching to millions and leading thousands of lost souls to Jesus Christ. His crusades frequently launch long-lasting revivals. With his ability to communicate the Gospel with power and charisma, he touches countless lives.
Dwight and Zonelle have been married for 51 years and have two children, seven grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. Zonelle travels nation-wide with Dwight, and she is the founder of Operation STITCHES (Saving The Inner-city Through Christ’s Hope: Eternal Salvation), an outreach to inner-city children and their families.
God has given both Dwight and Zonelle a divine love for souls. He has created within the two of them an obsession for helping people transform their very existence.
Dwight and Zonelle know the worth of just one soul and are committed to continue being obedient to the calling God placed on them over 49 years ago.
Truly, Dwight Thompson is a man with a call on his life and a commitment in his heart to reach lost souls for Jesus Christ.