You Made it This Far!

by Bayless Conley | Uncategorized

We know how the devil will attack a new babe in Christ. Hebrews 10:32 sheds some light on what we can expect,

But recall the former days in which, after you were illuminated, you endured a great struggle with sufferings.

When it says, “after you were illuminated,” it literally means, “After you came to the light.” This verse is talking about when the light of the Gospel dawned on you, when you were saved.

And what does it say? You need to recall, to remember, that after you came to Christ, you endured. You went through some battles.

I think we need to remember that. In fact, let me just encourage you today. The fact that you are reading this devotional today says something about you. Did you know there are a lot of people who were saved at the same time you were, but they are not seeking God today?

You made it through the battle! You stood fast. You might feel like you are pretty rickety and ready to keel over, but you are still seeking God! If the devil could get you, he would have gotten you already.

By God’s grace you made it this far. Now is no time to quit!

Answers with Bayless Conley
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Bayless Conley is a pastor and speaker known for his clear presentation of the Gospel and the way he applies the life-changing truth of God's Word to everyday life. It's this same truth that radically turned his life around when a 12-year-old boy shared the Gospel with him many years ago.

Bayless' unique background and remarkable testimony have enabled him to reach a diverse audience of people globally. In 1979, God called Bayless to share His Word on television, and in 1984, the broadcast was launched. Today, the Answers with Bayless Conley broadcast is impacting lives around the world in numerous languages.

Bayless, with his wife Janet, pastors Cottonwood Church, a thriving nondenominational church located in Orange County, California. Bayless is the author of numerous books and booklets including Cast Down But Not Destroyed, Footprints of Faith, How to Pray, Turning Mistakes into Miracles, There Is Always Hope, and a 365-day devotional called Answers for Each Day.

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