You Will Recover

by Rory Synoground | Uncategorized

churchpew hipster“And these signs shall follow them that believe…they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” (Mark 16:17-18)

We just read here that when a person believes and lays hands on the sick, the sick shall recover! The Bible didn’t say that they might recover, it says they SHALL recover.

You may be thinking, “Well I had hands laid on me, and I didn’t get healed. So what happened?” 

Does God heal or doesn’t He? Does He choose to heal some and not others? Is He even in the healing business today? These are valid questions. Even though the answers may seem mysterious or unreachable, the answer to these questions is really very simple. I have good news, and it might shock you, but the truth is your healing did come. As a matter of fact, your healing is still there!

I had one person say to me, referring to ministers who pray for the sick, “They have tried and tried to heal me, and it didn’t work.” When the person said this, I immediately responded saying, “Yes it did! In fact, you have your healing now!”

How can I say this? First of all, in Mark 16:18 we read where; “… they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” The word ‘shall’ does not mean might. It has been translated from a Greek word which means to have, to hold, to possess. 

The word ‘recover’ has been translated from a Greek word which means: well, good, recovering health. So we can literally translate this promise from scripture this way. “…they shall lay hands on the sick, and they (the sick) will have and possess recovering health.”

Second of all, God is not the One holding healing back from us. Look at what He said in Exodus 15:26; “…I am the Lord that healeth thee.” And in Malachi 3:6 He declares “I am the Lord I change not.” James 1:5 says; “…(God) giveth to all men liberally…” And then in I John 4:8 we read where “…God is love.” And finally in 1 Corinthians 13:8 “Love never fails..”

So God is the One who gives us healing, He never changes, and since He is love, and love never fails, then God never fails to give us healing!

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churchpew hipster“And these signs shall follow them that believe…they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” (Mark 16:17-18)

We just read here that when a person believes and lays hands on the sick, the sick shall recover! The Bible didn’t say that they might recover, it says they SHALL recover.

You may be thinking, “Well I had hands laid on me, and I didn’t get healed. So what happened?” 

Does God heal or doesn’t He? Does He choose to heal some and not others? Is He even in the healing business today? These are valid questions. Even though the answers may seem mysterious or unreachable, the answer to these questions is really very simple. I have good news, and it might shock you, but the truth is your healing did come. As a matter of fact, your healing is still there!

I had one person say to me, referring to ministers who pray for the sick, “They have tried and tried to heal me, and it didn’t work.” When the person said this, I immediately responded saying, “Yes it did! In fact, you have your healing now!”

How can I say this? First of all, in Mark 16:18 we read where; “… they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” The word ‘shall’ does not mean might. It has been translated from a Greek word which means to have, to hold, to possess. 

The word ‘recover’ has been translated from a Greek word which means: well, good, recovering health. So we can literally translate this promise from scripture this way. “…they shall lay hands on the sick, and they (the sick) will have and possess recovering health.”

Second of all, God is not the One holding healing back from us. Look at what He said in Exodus 15:26; “…I am the Lord that healeth thee.” And in Malachi 3:6 He declares “I am the Lord I change not.” James 1:5 says; “…(God) giveth to all men liberally…” And then in I John 4:8 we read where “…God is love.” And finally in 1 Corinthians 13:8 “Love never fails..”

So God is the One who gives us healing, He never changes, and since He is love, and love never fails, then God never fails to give us healing!

So why does it appear at times that we are not healed? This issue is not God. The issue is with us. We are the ones who need to receive what He gives. We must understand that it takes faith to receive anything from the Lord.

“For by faith are you saved through grace, and not of yourselves. It is a gift of God.” (Eph 2:8)

Salvation is a gift. The only way you receive salvation is by faith. The word ‘saved’ here in Eph. 2:8 does not merely mean salvation from hell after you die. This word has been translated from the Greek word ‘sozo’ which means “to save, to deliver, protect, heal, preserve, be made whole.”

We can see here that salvation, which includes healing, is a gift from God, and is freely given to us by His grace. This gift, though, can only be received through faith. You see, the very moment hands are laid on a person for healing, it is given. What we need to do is to simply believe that God has given it!

The only way to receive anything from the Lord is by faith through grace.

Mark 16:17-18 tells us that, “…they shall recover.” Again, the word recover means ‘recovering health’, which implies time. Healing is instantaneous. But the manifestation of your healing can be a process. As you continue to believe that you have received, your healing begins to manifest over time.

When you have been dealing, or living with a problem for some length of time, it can literally become your giant. A giant, like the warrior Goliath in 1 Samuel 17, is a challenge or an obstacle that stands in front of you to block you from receiving the promises of God. A giant can be a stronghold in your heart that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ, thus making the Word of God unfruitful in your life.

What you need to do in this scenario is to continue thinking, believing, and acting on what God has said about your healing. When God’s promise of healing is bigger in your heart than the sickness in your body, that promise overthrows the stronghold that was hindering your victory! When we only see the promise of God’s Word in our heart, that is when the saving power of that Word is activated and released into our bodies.

I used to get frustrated when I would pray for people to be healed and it appeared that nothing took place. There would be times where I would sense the healing power of God bouncing right off of their body and back into my hands. In other cases, I would sense the power of God going into their body, but it would only go so far, and then stop. This person could say that they actually felt something, but in the end, no real manifestation took place.

Then there were those times when I would sense the power of God being received into their body, and they would immediately see a manifestation of healing! They were healed, and they would rejoice and give God the glory. But then a few days later, the symptoms of that issue would appear to come back, and they would lose the manifestation of their healing.

What was happening? They were not receiving or keeping what the Lord had given them. Let these words sink into your heart and form your faith. God said the sick would recover, and God never lies! So if He said they would recover, then that means healing was given. When you realize that it’s not your loving Father who’s holding back, but that it’s up to you to believe and receive His promise, you will be on the road to recovery.

I have no problem laying hands on people and believing for them to be healed. Whether they walk away well or not, I just keep standing in faith for them. I don’t look for the outward manifestation. I look to the Word of God. He said that they would recover. In fact, I know that if they believe God and His Word in their heart–I don’t care if it’s five years from now–they will experience their healing!

If you’ve laid hands on someone who didn’t receive their healing, don’t cut off the flow of God’s power by withdrawing your faith. Stand fast! Keep believing that God gave them what they asked for. If hands have been laid on you for healing, believe that God has given you your healing! Activate the power of that promise by believing God and His Word in your heart! As you continue in His Word, you will see the manifestation of your healing. The Bible says that after you have done all that you can do, stand until it manifests!

Believe that God has given you your healing, see your giant die, and experience your healing today!

Copyright © Rory Synoground Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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Rory called by God to "Heal The Brokenhearted" (Luke 4:18) by being "A Voice of Freedom." (John 8:31-32). Rory graduated St. Cloud State University in the spring of 1994. That fall he attended Rhema Bible Training Center. After graduating Rhema, in 1996, Rory established the evangelistic ministry of Rory Synoground Ministries International.

In the year 2002 opened The Voice of Freedom Prayer & Healing Center as an extended ministry outreach of RSMI

Soon after in 2003 Rory founded RORY SYNOGROUND PUBLICATIONS a publication company that inspires hope and faith to thousands all over the world.

In 2006 Rory pioneered FREEDOM CHRISTIAN CENTER, which was located in Austin MN.

Rory is evangelistic in nature with a prophetic and teaching anointing accompanying his ministry. Rory ministers a bold uncompromised Word from the Lord, and prays for the sick. Through this ministry thousands of people have prayed the prayer of salvation, and have experienced medically supported healings.

Rory & his wife Amelia have 5 children.

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