Your Seed is Your Opportunity

by Barry Bennett | Articles, Christian Living

Sowing is giving something you have in order to bring about something which God has promised.

A farmer will sow the seed that he has in order to reap the harvest that lies within the seed. Sowing and reaping is one of the clearest teachings in the Bible. Not only is it a natural law, it is a spiritual law. In fact, the natural law of sowing and reaping is a manifestation of the spiritual law that sustains it. “What is seen was not made out of things that are visible.” (Heb. 11:3)

Giving is the very nature of God. God is Love and Love gives. God had a Son, but He wanted a family. He gave His Son in order to reap you and me. Jesus is called ‘the Seed of Abraham.’ (Gal. 3:16)

There is no harvest if there is no seed sown.

Elijah demanded food and water of the widow woman. Her offering was the seed that opened the door to her and her son’s survival for three years.

Jesus received the offering of bread and fish and multiplied it to feed 5,000. Jesus said to give and it would be given unto us pressed down, shaken together, and running over.

God saw the giving and heard the prayers of Cornelius and sent an angel to change his destiny. (Acts 10)

Paul encouraged cheerful giving and explained how such giving would unleash ‘all grace’ in order that the givers would have an abundance for every good deed. (2 Cor. 9:6-11)

Your seed is a door to your destiny. Everything is seed. Your thoughts, words, actions, and resources can all be sown into the Kingdom, and they will multiply according to their kind.

Your confession of Jesus Christ was a seed that forever changed your future.

Grace flows from the principle of the seed. Future provision and abundance is found in the seeds of our thoughts, words, actions, attitudes and resources. Increase is designed into every seed. Be intentional in your sowing. Whatsoever a man sows, that he will also reap! The harvest is always larger than the seed that conceived it. Your seed is your opportunity!

Copyright © Barry Bennett
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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Barry, a graduate of Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas, has been serving the Lord since 1972. He and his wife, Betty Kay, have served on the mission field in Mexico, Guatemala, and Chile, where they spent almost 12 years before returning to Texas in 2001.

While attending a large Spanish-speaking congregation in Carrollton, Texas, Barry was the director and principal teacher at a Spanish language Bible institute, Instituto Avance, where he served for five years. The Bennetts also spent two and a half years ministering to Cambodian refugees in Dallas, and they have ministered in home groups, churches, and on short-term mission teams.

Barry came to Andrew Wommack Ministries in 2007 and worked in the Phone Center as a prayer minister before accepting a position answering the scriptural and doctrinal questions that would come to AWMI via mail and email. He later became the Dean of Students and is now the Dean of Instructors. Barry is also an instructor at Charis Bible College in Colorado and teaches at domestic and international CBC satellite campuses.