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Fellowship With the Holy Spirit


How to Pray About Your Problem By Rick Warren


A New Jesus Revolution By Dr. Dennis Burke


Today's featured devotional...
I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance. but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire. (Matt. 3:11)

"My people need to know My heart."

That’s what I heard the Lord say to me one day just before a service. He said, “Yes the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire is for them today, but if they don’t know who I am, if my children don’t know how to love Me with all their heart, soul, and strength, and then love their neighbor as themselves, they won’t be able to live with this fire. They won’t be able to live in this ‘Light’ clothing that I have for them.”

The fire of the Holy Spirit is literally the clothing of power and protection that God has for his children to live in this world. Without this baptism of His Holy Spirit and fire, we are powerless.
In Romans 13:10,12 we read: “Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.”

Notice the Word of God tells us that when you LOVE, you fulfill the LAW. You now have the power to cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of Light. The fire that God has for you, the blessing of the Holy Ghost, is available to those who know love! This is where the life of God is at. Knowing Him! Knowing His Spirit of love and fire!

If you think that God is this distant personality and doesn’t really care about the intimate details of your life, you will never get close enough to Him to experience His passionate love and blessing. If you only see Him as a God of judgment, you will never be able to relate to Him, much less receive the baptism of His Holy Spirit and fire. You will be isolated and alone in this darkness.

When Adam messed up in the Garden, did he run to God? No. It is recorded that he hid from God. Why? Adam was clothed in this Holy Ghost and Fire. He had the light of Gods clothing covering him and empowering him to live victoriously in this life. When he sinned, the Bible says his eyes were opened, and he saw that he was naked. He was now without the fire, the light, the power of God. He saw his own weakness. He saw his inadequacy, his inability to reign as the King that God created him to be in this earth.

Now, Adam still had a choice. He could have repented, run to His Father, and asked for help. But because he listened to the words of Satan, he now had a wrong perception of his Father. He became so self-centered that he tried to cover himself with the weak and meagerly elements of this world.

Even though God revealed His heart by running to him, Adam still hid. And that’s what a lot of people are doing nowadays. They are caught in a cycle of pain, they mess up, they screw up. They know it, and they run from God, and they run from church. As a result of running from God and running from the church, they stay in their pain, they stay in their cycle of defeat. They stay out there, going to the wrong comforts, going to the wrong places, looking for help and power that never satisfies.

They do this because of their perception of God, and their perception of their own weakness. The whole time God is running toward them, loving them, trying to help them, heal them, and empower them to overcome.

I know some people who will not read the Old Testament because all they see in the Old Testament is a God who judges people and a God that curses people, but that is not who the Father is! When we turn to Jesus, we begin seeing who the Father is. Jesus studied the same Old Testament that the Pharisees did, and where the Pharisees got law, Jesus got love, and He lived in the fire and light of God's Spirit.

For you to experience the fire of His Spirit, you need to know His love. We need to know God the way Jesus knew Him. He had faith in His Father's love for Him. We need that same faith in God as our loving Father as well. 

Copyright © Rory Synoground Ministries International
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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