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Someone made the statement that those who say they can and those who say they can't are both right regarding any situation.

Learn to operate in the power of God's Word and the law of faith. We can all understand natural law. There is the law of gravity. You know the law of gravity works. There is always someone foolish enough to say that it doesn't apply to them, but if they just jump off a building, they will discover that it does.

The law of gravity works when it's cold, and works when it's hot. It works when the wind is blowing, and it works when it's not. It works when it's raining, and it works when it's dark because it's a fixed law of God.

God's Word is spiritual law. God's Word works when you apply it properly to your situation. But sometimes we have made up our own rules and spoken things we didn't mean and then say, "Well, I said that, but I really didn't mean it. I did say we are going bankrupt, but god knows what I meant."

That's like you going to the phone and saying, "I'm going to dial my father on the phone," then dialing three or four numbers right but missing the last three. Then you say, "Oh, well, the phone company knows what I meant."

You are not going to talk to your father. You didn't follow the phone company's instructions.

Uncontrolled Power Will Destroy
We have to realize something; we have to go by God's rules. God has some rules and regulations concerning His laws. And when we operate in spiritual law, we must operate with God's rules.

Controlled and Uncontrolled Power
We have learned how to conform to and enforce the laws of electricity, and as long as you don't violate that law, you can use electricity safely.

It will heat your house, cook you food, and wash your clothes. We have said, "My, isn't it wonderful that we have electricity?" But that same force, which can do so much good for you, will destroy you if it's uncontrolled.

Proverbs says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue" (Prov. 18:21). The old adage, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," is simply not true.

Words can destroy you for words produce faith or fear. Faith will build. Fear will destroy.

Source: Seedtime And Harvest by Charles Capps.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers

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