Pursuit of His Presence
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"Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his [God's] saints: To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Col. 1:26-27).

I'm always looking for revelations from God that will change my life, aren't you? Divine insights that will take me to new levels of life and glory.

A few years ago, God gave me just such a revelation. It was so vast that I've been meditating on it ever since. I can tell it to you in five words: Jesus Christ lives in me.

"But, Gloria," you say, "that's no big revelation. All Christians know that!"

No, they don't. Oh, they may know it with their heads, but not with their hearts. If they did, the Church today would be an entirely different Church, so full of the glory of God that sinners would be beating down our doors to get in and get saved.

We would be a Church where miracles and healings were not unusual, but commonplace. A Church so full of the grace of God that even worldly people would wonder at the power of God in our lives.

Paul describes in Ephesians 5:27, "a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but...holy and without blemish." Praise God, as born-again believers, we have the hope of glory! That means we can confidently expect the fullness of God's manifest presence in our lives.

We don't have to just wish for it or read about other people who have experienced it. We can live in God's Glory ourselves. We can do this because Jesus, the Anointed One, the Lord of Glory Himself, lives inside every one of us!

I want you to think about it. Let the thrilling reality of it start to sink into your heart. Let it begin to dawn on you that Jesus, the Anointed One - not just Jesus as He was when He walked on the earth 2,000 years ago, but the glorified, resurrected Jesus - really lives inside you!

Speak the Word: The Anointed One and His Anointing lives in me. He is my hope and expectation of glory! (Col. 1:27)

For Further Study: 2 Corinthians 2:14-17

Daily Scripture Reading: Esther 9-10; 3 John

Excerpt permission granted by
Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc.
aka:  Kenneth Copeland Ministries

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